Senin, 02 Juli 2018

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Understanding the Concept of Sublimation in Psychology Made Easy

In psychology, sublimation is a mature type of defense mechanism, where impulse or unacceptable idealization is socially unconsciously transformed into socially acceptable action or behavior, which may result in long-term conversion of initial impulse.

Sigmund Freud believes that sublimation is a sign of maturity and civilization, allowing people to function normally in culturally acceptable ways. He defined sublimation as the process of turning sexual instincts into a higher social assessment action, becoming "a very striking feature of cultural development, it is what enables higher psychic, scientific, artistic or ideological activities, to play" "Separated in civilized life". Wade and Travis present the same view, suggesting that sublimation is when displacements "serve a higher cultural or social purpose that is useful, as in the creation of art or discovery."

Video Sublimation (psychology)


In the opening section of Man, All Too Man entitled 'From the first and last things', Nietzsche writes:

There is, really speaking, either unselfish behavior, or a totally uninterested viewpoint. They are only sublimation in which the basic elements seem to nearly evaporate and betray its presence only at the most penetrating observations. All that we need and which may be given to us in the current state of scientific development, is a chemical of conception, feeling, emotion, religion, aesthetics, and the emotions we experience in affairs, great and small, society and civilization , and which we realize even in solitude. But what if this chemical establishes the fact that, even in its domain, the most remarkable results are achieved with the most abject and least of the ingredients? Will many feel like continuing such an investigation? Humans like to put questions of their origin and beginning: should one not be nearly inhuman to follow the opposite path?

Maps Sublimation (psychology)

Psychoanalytic theory

In Freud's psychoanalytic theory, erotic energy is permitted in a limited amount of expression, due to the limitations of human society and civilization itself. Therefore, another channel is needed, especially if an individual remains psychologically balanced.

Sublimation (language: Sublimierung ) is the process of turning libido into a "socially beneficial" achievement, including artistic, cultural and intellectual pursuits. Freud considers this psychic operation to be quite useful compared to the others he identifies, such as repression, displacement, rejection, reaction formation, intellectualization, and projection. In The Ego and Defense Mechanism (1936), his daughter, Anna, sublimation class as one of the main 'defense mechanisms' of the soul.

Freud got the idea of ​​ sublimation while reading The Harz Journey by Heinrich Heine. The story is about Johann Friedrich Dieffenbach who cut the dog tail he encountered in childhood and later became a surgeon. Freud concludes that sublimation can be observed in acts perpetrated many times throughout one's life, which first appears sadistic, though ultimately refined into a beneficial activity for mankind.

Interpersonal psychoanalysis

Harry Stack Sullivan, the pioneer of interpersonal psychoanalysis, defines sublimation as substitution without some realization of satisfaction with social consent to pursue immediate gratification that would contradict one's ideals or on the judgment of social censorship and other important people who surround it. one. Substitutions may not fit what we want, but that is the only way we can get satisfaction and feel safe as well. Sullivan documented that all sublimity is more complicated than the direct satisfaction of the needs they apply. They do not require any disturbance of consciousness, there is no stopping to think why they should be done or how much the cost is attributed to immediate gratification. In successful sublimation, Sullivan observes the highly efficient conflict handling between the need for satisfaction and the need for security without impaired consciousness.

Displacement - defense mechanism - YouTube

Sexual sublimation

Sexual sublimation , also known as sexual transmutation , is an action, especially among some religious traditions, to change sexual urges or "sexual energy" into creative energy. In this context, sublimation is the transfer of sexual energy, or libido, into different physical or emotional actions to avoid confrontation with sexual urges, which in itself conflict with individual beliefs or determined religious beliefs. This is based on the idea that "sexual energy" can be used to create a spiritual nature which in turn can create more sensual works, rather than the sexuality of a "raw" person. The classic example in Western religions is the celibacy of religion.

As adopted in Tanya, Hasidic Jewish mysticism views the sublimation of the animal soul as an important task in life, in which its purpose is to change animal and earthly desires for physical pleasure into a holy desire to connect with God.

Various schools of thought represent the general sex drive as the bearer of spiritual essence, and have various names of vital energy, important wind (prana), spiritual energy, ojas, shakti, tummo, or kundalini. It is also believed that undergoing sexual sublimation can facilitate a mystical awakening in a person.

Freud on: Sublimation - YouTube

According to Jung

C. G. Jung believes that sublimation is mystical, so fundamentally different from Freud's view of the concept. For Freud, sublimation helps explain the plasticity of the sexual instinct (and its convertibility to the non-sexual end). This concept also supports his psychoanalytic theory, which shows the human soul at the mercy of the contrary impulses (such as super-ego and id). Jung criticized Freud for obscuring the origins of sublimation alchemy and for trying to make the concept appear scientifically credible:

Sublimation is part of the royal art where the original gold was made. From Freud this did not know anything; even worse, it blocks all the paths that can lead to true sublimation. It is just about the opposite of what Freud understood through sublimation. It is not a voluntary instinct and forcibly implanted into the field of false applications, but the alchymical transformations required by fire and prima materia. Sublimation is a great mystery. Freud has used this concept and seized it for the field of will and ethos of bourgeois rationalism.

This criticism extends from the personal sphere of correspondence (as above) to the particular paper which he published on psychoanalysis:

Freud found the idea of ​​sublimation to save us from the imaginary paws of the subconscious. But what is real, what really exists, can not be sublimated alchemically, and if anything seems to be sublimated then there is never a false interpretation going on.

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According to Lacan

Das Ding

Lacan's sublimation exposition is framed in discussions of the psychoanalytic and ethical relationships in the seventh book of his seminars. Lacanian sublimation is defined with reference to the concept of Das Ding (later in his career Lacan called this objet petit a ). Das Ding is German for 'objects' though Lacan considers it an abstract notion and one of the hallmarks of the human condition. In general it is the emptiness that a person experiences as a human being and which one tries to fill with different human relationships, objects and experiences that all serve to fill the gap in one's psychic needs. For this reason Lacan also considers Das Ding as non-Thing or vakuola. The one relationship that relies on to overcome the vacuum of Das Ding is always not enough to fully satisfy the individual.

Lacan considers the Das Ding object lost in the healing process by Man. For a while individuals will be deceived by their own souls to believe that this object, this person or this state can be relied upon to meet his needs in a stable and enduring manner when in fact it is his nature that such objects are lost. It will never be found again. Something is there while someone is waiting for something better, or worse, but whichever one wants 'and again' [Das Ding] can be found at most as a miss. Someone did not find it, but just a fun association. 'Human life unravels as a series of detours in the search for the lost or absolute objects of other individuals:' The principle of pleasure governs the search for objects and imposes a detour that keeps the distance to Das Ding in relation to the end. '

Sublimation of Lacanian

The sublimation center of Luawi becomes a big part of the idea of ​​Das Ding . The general formula for sublimation is that 'it raises an object... for the dignity of The Thing. Lacan considers these objects (whether human, aesthetic, credible or philosophical) to be the signifiers representing Das Ding and that the function of the pleasure principle is, in essence, to lead the subject of the marker to the marking, by generating as many markers as necessary to maintain at the lowest possible level of tension that governs all functions of the psychic apparatus. 'Furthermore, man is a' builder of his support system '; in other words, he creates or finds a marker that deceives him into believing that he has overcome the void of Das Ding .

Lacan also considers sublimation to be the creation process of ex nihilo (creating out of nothing), in which an object, human or produced, must be defined in relation to the vacuum of Das Ding. Lacan's main example of this is the love of the troubadors and MinnesÃÆ'¤nger who dedicate their poetic poetry to the object of love that is not only unattainable (and therefore experiencing as something missing) but existence and desire also centered around the hole (vagina). For Lacan such affection is the 'sublimation paradigm'. He asserts that the word 'troubadour' is etymologically related to a ProvenÃÆ'§al trobar verb (like French trouver ) 'to be found.' If we consider again the definition of Das Ding , it depends precisely on the subject's hope to rediscover the lost object in the false belief that it will continue to satisfy him (or him).

Lacan states that the creation of ex nihilo operates in other important areas as well. In pottery for example a vase is made around empty space. They are primitive and even primordial artifacts that have benefited mankind not only in the capacity of the equipment but also as the metaphor of the creation (cosmic) ex nihilo . Lacan quoted Heidegger as placing a vase between the earth (lifting the clay from the ground) and a smooth one (pointing up to receive). In architecture, Lacan asserted, buildings are designed around empty spaces and in art painting proceeding from an empty canvas, and often depict empty space through perspective.

In myth, Pan pursued Syrinx nymph transformed into empty bamboos to avoid God's grip, which then cut bamboo down in anger and transform them into what we now call panpipes (both beams and panpipes depending on their vacancy for sound production).

Lacan briefly states that religion and science are also based on emptiness. In terms of religion, Lacan refers readers to Freud, stating that overly obsessive religious behavior can be attributed to the avoidance of primordial void Das Ding or in his honor. The science discourse is based on the idea of ​​Verwerfung (the German word for 'dismissal') that results in the dismissal, seizure or exception of the idea of ​​Das Ding probably because it opposes empirical categorization.

Psychology Chronicles Series #17: Defend Yourself | Sublimation as ...

Empirical research

A study by Kim, Zeppenfeld, and Cohen studied sublimation with empirical methods. These researchers looked at their research, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, for providing "the possibility of the first experimental evidence for sublimation and [demonstrating] cultural psychological approaches to defense mechanisms".

Sublimation Psychology

In fiction

One of the most famous examples of Western literature is in Thomas Mann's novel, Death in Venice, where the protagonist Gustav von Aschenbach, a famous writer, refined his desire for a young boy in writing poetry. In the novel of Alberto Moravia, Io e lui ( He and I , 1971), the protagonist constantly strives to overcome his enormous penis strength, so he sublimes into film director serious.
  • In Psychological Science: Mind, Brain and Behavior, by Michael Gazzaniga and Todd F. Heatherton, a more sinister example is given where a sadist becomes a surgeon or dentist. A direct example of this is in Little Shop of Horrors musicals and movies characterized by descriptive descriptive characters from Orin Scrivello following his mother's advice on becoming a dentist, quoting him "You will find a way/to make a natural tendency You pay... Child, be a dentist/People will pay you to be inhumane. "
  • Novel Agatha Christie And Then Nothing features a protagonist whose job as a judge, dealt with harsh punishment for a guilty criminal, previously allowing him to dispel his insistence on killing.
  • Sexual transmission is cited in the book Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich (1937), and illustrated as the principle of success.
  • In "Bittersweet Science" episode of Criminal Minds, it is mentioned that children with cruel pasts grow into police or army officers, not necessarily boxers.
  • In the The Age of Diamonds by Neal Stephenson, sublimation is presented as the source of Neo-Victorian domination: "... it is their emotional repression that makes the richest and most powerful men in the world. to drown their feelings, far from pathological, is a kind of mystical art that gives them supernatural powers over Nature and over a more intuitive tribe, as well as the power of Nipplescence. "

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    See also

    Interpretation of the House-Tree-Person (HTP) Psychology Test


    Using Defense Mechanisms in Grief - What's Your Grief

    External links

    Source of the article : Wikipedia
