Jumat, 29 Juni 2018

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A Brief History Of Video Games
src: images.fastcompany.net

The game history dates back to ancient humans. The game is an integral part of all cultures and is one of the oldest forms of human social interaction. The game is a formalized game expression that allows people to go beyond direct imagination and direct physical activity. Common features of the game include yield uncertainty, agreed rules, competition, place and time apart, fiction elements, opportunity elements, determined goals and personal enjoyment.

Games capture ideas and worldviews from their culture and pass them on to future generations. The game is important as an event of cultural and social bonding, as a tool of instruction and as a marker of social status. As a hobby of royalty and elite, some games become a common feature of court culture and are also given as gifts. Games like Senet and Mesoamerican ball games are often imbued with religious mythic and ritual significance. Games like Chauper Gyan and The Mansion of Happiness are used to teach spiritual and ethical lessons while Shatranj and WÃÆ' Ã… © iqÃÆ' (Go) are seen as ways to develop strategic thinking and mental skills by political and military elites.

In his 1938 book, Homo Ludens, Dutch cultural historian Johan Huizinga argues that the game is the main condition of the generation of human culture. Huizinga sees the game as something "older than culture, because culture, however not adequately defined, always assumes human society, and animals do not wait for humans to teach them their game." Huizinga sees the game as a starting point for complex human activities such as language, law, war, philosophy, and art.

Video History of games


Some of the most common ancient and ancient game tools made from bone, especially from Talus bones, these have been found all over the world and are the ancestors of knucklebones as well as dice games. These bones are also sometimes used for oracular and divinatory functions. Other tools may include shells, stones and sticks.

In ancient civilizations there was no clear distinction between the sacred and the profane. According to Durkheim, the game is founded in a religious setting and is the foundation of social ties. Meshotamia and the Mediterranean world

A series of 49 small carved statues found on Ba's burial mounds? The 5,000-year-old Ur HÃÆ'¶yÃÆ'¼k in southeastern Turkey could represent the earliest pieces of game ever found. Similar cuts have been found in Syria and Iraq and seem to show board games coming from the Fertile Crescent. The earliest board games seem to have become a hobby for the elite and are sometimes given as diplomatic gifts.

The Royal Game of Ur, or Game of Twenty Squares is played with a set of pawns on a fancy decorated board and dating from about 3000 BC. It is a race game that uses a set of knucklebone dice. This game is also known and played in Egypt. A Babylonian treatise on games written on clay tablets shows that the game has astronomical significance and it can also be used to tell a person's fate. The Ur game is also popular with the lower classes, as evidenced by the graffiti version of 2,700 years of the game, etched into the gate to a palace in Khorsabad. Similar games have been found in Iran, Crete, Cyprus, Sri Lanka and Syria. The excavations at Shahr-e Sukhteh ("Burned City") in Iran have shown that the game is also there about 3000 BC. Artifacts include two dice and 60 chess. Games like Nard and the Roman game Ludus Duodecim Scriptorum (12-point game, also known as "dice", lat. "Alea") may have been developed from this Iranian game. Tabula game Byzantine is a descendant of the game twelve points.

Among the earliest examples of board games are cymbals , games found on the site of the First and Predynastic Dynasty cemetery in Egypt (around 3500 BC and 3100 BC, respectively) and in dated hieroglyphs around 3100 BC. The game is played by moving the draughtsmen on a board of 30 squares arranged into three parallel rows of ten boxes each. Players strategically move their pieces by throwing sticks or bones. The goal is to reach the edge of the board first. The gradually progresses from time to time to reflect Egyptian religious beliefs. The pieces represent the human soul and their movement is based on the journey of the soul in the afterlife. Each square has a different religious significance, with the last square linked to the union of the soul with the sun god Re-Horakhty. Senet may also have been used in the context of ritual religion.

In Ancient Greece and in the Roman Empire, popular games include ball games (Episkyros, Harpastum, Expulsim Ludere - a kind of handball), dice games (Tesserae), knucklebones, Bear games, Tic-tac-toe (Terni Lapilli), Nine Morris men (mola) and various types of board games similar to chess. Both Plato and Homer mention board games called 'petteia' (games played with pessoi ', ie' pieces' or 'men'). According to Plato, they are all from Egypt. The name 'petteia' seems to be a generic term for board games and refers to various games. One such game is called 'poleis' (city state) and is a battle game on a chessboard.

The Romans played a derivative of 'petteia' called 'latrunculi' or Ludus latrunculorum (army game or bandit game). It was first mentioned by Varro (116-27 BC) and alluded to by Martial and Ovid. This game is very popular and spread throughout Europe by the Romans. The board has been found as far as the Roman Britain. This is a war game for two players and includes moving around the counters representing soldiers, the object is to get one of the enemy pieces between two of his own.


Middle East

After the conquest of the Persian Muslims (638-651) Shatranj spread to the Arab world. While pre-Islamic chess represents Elephant, Horse, King and Soldier; The prohibition of Islam on image worship led to an increase in abstraction in chess design. Islamic chess pieces are therefore simple cylindrical and rectangular shapes. The game became very popular during the 9th century Abbasid Caliphate. The Abbasid Caliphs Harun al-Rashid and Al-Ma'mun were the diligent Shatranj performers. During this period Muslim chess players published several treatises on the subject of chess ( mansubat ) and chess ( ta'biyat ). Elite players such as Al-Adli, al-Suli and Ar-Razi were called aliyat or grandees and played in the caliph's court and wrote about the game. Al-Adli (800-870) is known for writing the Kit ash-shatranj (chess book), a comprehensive work on games, including history, openings, endgames and chess problems. Al-Adli also developed a system for rating players. During the reign of Turko-Mongol conqueror of the East (1336-1405), a chess variant known as Tamerlane chess developed that several sources attribute to the East itself known as a game buff.

The various games in the Tables family are also quite popular and are known as ifranjiah in Arabic (which means "Frankish") and as Nard in Iran. Many early Arabic texts that refer to this game often debate the legality and morality of playing it. This debate was resolved in the eighth century when all four Islamic jurisprudence schools declared them as Haraam (forbidden), yet they are still played today in many Arab countries. Other popular games include Mancala and TÃÆ' Â ¢ b.

Polo (Persian: chawgan , Arabic: sawlajan ) was first played in Sassanid Persia. This passed from Sassanid Persia to the neighboring Byzantine Empire at an early date, and the Tzykanisterion (stadium to play polo) was built by emperor Theodosius II (r.408-450) inside the Great Palace of Constantinople. After the Muslim conquest, it was inherited into the Ayyubid dynasty and Mameluke, whose elite preferred over all other sports. Famous sultans like Saladin and Baybars are known to play it and push it in their courts.

Playing cards imported from Asia and India and popular during the Egyptian Dynasty Mamluk, featuring polo stick, coins, swords, and cups as a garment.


The use of cubes and longitudes dice is common in the Harappan Valley civilization (2300 BC). The earliest mention of game text in India is the mention of Rig-Veda on the use of dice (around 1000 BC). Texts such as the Mahabharata show that dice games are popular with kings and nobles, and also have ceremonial purposes. Cowry shells are also widely used.

Another early reference is the list of Buddhist games (around 500 BC) which is a list of the Pali Canones which bhikkhus are forbidden to play. The list mentions a game on a board with 8 or 10 lines (Ashtapada and Da? Apada), a game that uses a floor diagram (one game called ParihÃÆ' Â ¢ ra-patham similar to a hop-scotch), dice games and ball games. Ashtapada and Da? Apada is a racing game.

Chaturanga (meaning 'quadripartite' as well as 'soldier'), Chess's predecessor, may be developed in the Indian subcontinent or Central Asia during the Kushan period (30-375 CE) or Gupta (320-550 CE) from the incorporation of other game features and transmitted to Persian Sassanid (where he is known as Shatranj) and China through the Silk Road. The oldest text that mentions Chaturanga is the work of central Persia WizÃÆ' Â ¢ rÃÆ'®shn ÃÆ'® chatrang ud nÃÆ'®hishn ÃÆ'® nÃÆ'ªw-ardakhshÃÆ'®r (Explanation Chatrang and Nard discovery, c 600 AD). These texts recount the arrival of Chatrang at an embassy of 'Hind' during the reign of Khosrau I (531-579). The name 'Hind' is often used to refer to the eastern region like Balochistan. Another game called Chaturaji is similar but is played with four different sides of color instead of two, but the earliest source for this four-sided plank game is 'India' Al-Biruni, around 1030 AD. Chess historians such as Yuri Averbakh have suspected that the Greek board game of petteia may have had an influence on early Chaturanga development. Petteia games can be combined with other elements in the Greco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek Kingdoms.

Cross and circle games like Chaupar and Pachisi may be a very long game, but so far their history has not been set before the 16th century. Chaupar is a popular gambling game in the court of Emperor Mughal Akbar the Great (1556-1605). The Emperor himself is a fan of the game and is known to play in his court yard using slaves as pieces of play.

East Asia

The extinct Chinese game board liubo was found no later than the middle of the first millennium BC, and was popular during the Warring States period (476 BC - 221 BC) and Han Dynasty (202 BC - 220 CE). Although the rules of the game have been lost, it is apparently a racing game unlike Senet in the pieces being played moved about the board using a throwing stick to determine the movement.

Go, also known as Weiqi , Igo , or Baduk (in Chinese, Japanese and Korean, respectively), was first mentioned in the annex history of Zuo Zhuan (around 4th century BC). It is also mentioned in Book XVII of the Analects of Confucius and in two Mencius books (c) 3rd century BC). In ancient China, Go was one of four arts fostered by a scholar of Chinese intellectuals, along with calligraphy, painting and playing a guqin instrument, and the examination of skills in the art was used to qualify candidates for service in the bureaucracy. Go was brought to Korea in the second century BC when the Han Dynasty extended to the Korean peninsula and arrived in Japan in the 5th or 6th century and quickly became a favorite aristocratic hobby.

Chinese chess or Xiangqi seems to have been played during the Tang Dynasty, previous ratification problems. Some pieces of Xiangqi are known from the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1126). It is not known exactly how Xiangqi developed. Other traditional Asian chess variants include Shogi (Japan), Makruk (Thailand), Janggi (Korea) and Sittuyin (Burma).

Playing cards or tiles were created in China in the early 9th century during the Tang Dynasty (618-907). The earliest uniqueness of the first remit card is from 1294.

Domino's modern game developed from an early Chinese tile-based game. What appears to be the earliest reference for game tiles is the title , or "bone tile", used in gambling, in Chinese writings of no more than 900 AD. The earliest definite reference to Chinese dominoes is found in Song Dynasty literature (960-1279), while Western-style dominoes are a newer variation, with the earliest examples being Italian design early in the 18th century. Mahjong's modern tile game is based on older Chinese card games like Khanhoo, pengu hu, and shi hu.

Pre-modern Chinese also play ball games like Cuju which is a ball and net game similar to football, and Chuiwan, which is similar to modern golf.



The most widespread of the original game of Africa is Mancala. Mancala is a family of board games that are played around the world, sometimes called "sowing" games, or "count-and-catch" games, which describe the game. The word mancala: ????? comes from the Arabic word naqala: ???? which literally means "to move". Mancala's earliest evidence consists of pieces of pottery boards and pieces of stone found in Aksumite in Ethiopia, Matara (now in Eritrea), and Yeha (also in Ethiopia), dated by archaeologists between the 6th century and -7.. More than 800 names of traditional games are known, and nearly 200 games have been described. However, some names signify the same game, while some names are used for more than one game. Today, this game is played around the world, with many different variants representing different regions of the Third World.


Archaeologist Barbara Voorhies has theorized that a series of holes in the clay floor arranged in the form of c at the Tlacuachero archaeological site in the Mexican state of Chiapas is probably a 5000 year old dice scorebo. If so this will be the oldest archaeological evidence for the game in America.

Dice games are popular all over America. Patolli is one of the most popular board games played by mesoamerican people like Maya, Toltec, and Aztecs, it is a race game played with beans or dice on square and oval shaped boards, and gambling is a key aspect of it. The Andes also play dice games called Quechua pichca or pisca .

One of the oldest known ball games in history is the Mesoamerican ballgame ( Llamaliztli in Nahuatl). ? llamaliztli is played as far back as 1,400 BC and has important religious significance for the mesoamerican community such as Maya and Aztec. The game evolves over time but the ultimate goal is to keep the rubber ball solid in play by hitting it with various body parts or with a racket-like tool. This game may serve as a proxy for warfare and also has a great religious function. Formal ballgames are held as ritual events, often featuring human sacrifices, although they are also played to relax by children and even women.

Native American North Americans play various types of stickball games, which are the ancestors of the modern Lacrosse. Traditional stickball games are sometimes big events that can last a few days. A total of 100 to 1,000 people from opposing villages or tribes will participate. The game is played in open plains situated between the villages, and the destination can range from 500 yards (460 m) to 6 miles (9.7 km) apart.

European Game

The Tafl game is a family of ancient Germanic and Celtic board games played in many Northern Europe from the early 400 CE through the 12th century. Although the rules of the game have never been explicitly recorded, it seems the game with uneven strength (2: 1 ratio) and the goal of one side is to escape to the side of the board with the King while the other's goal is to catch it. Tafl is spread by Vikings throughout northern Europe, including Iceland, England, Ireland and Lapland.

Chess was introduced to the emirate Iberia Cordoba in 822 during the reign of Abd ar-Rahman II. In the mid-10th century it was played in Christian Spain, Italy and South Germany. By 1200, it had reached England and Scandinavia. Initially there were many different local Chess games with various rules or assizes like short chess, Courier chess and Dice Chess.

An important source of medieval games is the Libro de los juegos, ("Game book"), or Libro de acedrex, dados e tablas , ("Chess book, dice and table", in Old Spanish) commissioned by Alfonso X of Castile, Galicia and LeÃÆ'³n in 1283. The manuscript contains descriptions and color illustrations from Dice, Chess and Tabula games, the predecessor of Backgammon. This book describes this game in the context of astrology, and some astronomically designed game variants, such as the game titled "astronomy chess", played on the board of seven concentric circles, are divided radically into twelve areas, each associated with the Zodiac constellation. The text symbolism indicates that some of these games are given metaphysical significance. Chess is also used to teach social and moral lessons by the Dominican monk Jacobus de Cessolis in his book Liberty moribus hominum et officiis nobilium super ludo scacchorum ('Men's book of duty and duty of the nobles or the Book of Chess'). Published about 1300, the book is very popular.

Other pre-modern European board games include Rithmomachy or "the philosophers game", Alquerque, Fox & amp; Geese, Nine Morris Men, Drafts, Nim, Catch the Hare and Game of Goose. The dice games are widely played throughout Europe and include Hazard, Chuck-a-luck, GlÃÆ'¼ckshaus, Shut the Box and knucklebones.

The card game first arrived in Italy from the Egyptian Mamluks in the 14th century, with clothes very similar to Swords, Clubs, Cups, and Coins and still used in traditional Italian and Spanish decks. The four most frequently encountered clothes of today (shovels, hearts, diamonds, and clubs) seem to have originated in France around 1480. 1440 Italy saw the appearance of tarot cards and this led to the development of Tarot card games such as Tarocchini, KÃÆ'¶ nigrufen and French tarot. The decks are also sometimes used for cartomancy.

Outdoor games are very popular during holidays and fairs and are played by all classes. Many of these games are the forerunner of modern sports and grass games. Boules, Lawn Billiards (later brought into the room as Billiards), Skittles (the ancestors of modern ten-pin Bowling), medieval football, Kolven, Stoolball (Cricket ancestors), Jeu de paume (early racket tennis) Horseshoes and Quoits all preceded the early modern era.


Maps History of games

Modern games

Professional board games

Modern chess rules began to form in Spain and Italy during the 15th century with the adoption of the Queen's and the Bishop's standard movements (originally called "Mad Queen chess"). Writings on chess theory also began to appear in the fifteenth century with the first text being RepetisÃÆ'³n de Amores y Arte de Ajedrez (Repetition of Love and the Art of Playing Chess, 1497) by Spanish villain Luis Ramirez de Lucena. Chess books by authors such as Ruy LÃÆ'³pez de Segura and Gioachino Greco are being studied extensively. Chess is a favorite game of Voltaire, Rousseau, Benjamin Franklin and Napoleon.

In 1851, the first international chess tournament was held in London and was won by Adolf Anderssen. Soon after the rules of modern time control were adopted to play competitive. The first official World Chess Championships were held in 1886 in the United States and won by Wilhelm Steinitz. In the 20th century, Chess games have evolved into professional sports with chess clubs, publications, player ratings, and chess tournaments. The World Chess Federation (FIDE) was founded in 1924 in Paris.

A large number of Chess variants are also developed, with various pieces, rules, boards and scoring. Among them are Kriegspiel, Chess Capablanca, Chess Alice, Circular chess, Three Dimensional chess, Hexagonal Chess, Chess with different army, and Bobby Fischer's Chess960.

In Japan, Go and Shogi became the main board games played on a professional level. Both games were promoted in Japan by the Tokugawa Shogunate in the 17th century, and the top performers (Meijin) received the authority of the government. During the 20th century the Japan Shogi Association and the Japan Go Association were established and began holding professional tournaments. During the Qing dynasty, many Xiangqi clubs were formed and books were published. The Xiangqi China Association was formed in 1962, and the Xiangqi tournament was held worldwide by the Xiangqi national association.

In 1997 the first Mind Sports Olympics was held in London and included traditional and modern board games. Other board games such as Backgammon, Scrabble, and Risk are also played professionally with a dedicated world championship.

Commercial board games

The Ancient Indian Pachisi game was brought to the west by England in 1863 and the adaptation of a game called Parcheesi was first protected copyright in the United States by EG Selchow & amp; Co in 1869. The game version called Ludo was patented in 1896. Similar German racing games, Mensch ÃÆ'¤rgere dich nicht ("Man, do not get annoyed"), became very popular with German troops during World War I. adopted by the West is Gyan chauper (aka Moksha Patam), known as snakes and ladders. This is a game intended to teach a lesson about karma and good and bad action, the ladder represents the goodness and nature of the snake. The moral lesson of this game is that spiritual liberation, or Moksha can only be achieved through virtuous actions, while the vice causes endless reincarnation. The date of the game to medieval India where played by Jain and Hindu. The Buddhist version, known as "ascended to the [spiritual] level" (Tibet: sa gnam rnam bzhags ) is played in Nepal and Tibet while the Muslim version of the game is played during the mughal period from the late 17th century or early in the 18th century featured 101 names of God. The game was first brought to the British Victorian and was published in the United States as Chutes and Ladders ("new version of enhanced indoor indoor sport") by pioneer of Milton Bradley game in 1943.

The first board game the name of the designer is known as 'A Journey Through Europe or Play of Geography', a map-based game published in 1759 by John Jefferys, a Geography and writing teacher. Designed in England by George Fox in 1800, The Mansion of Happiness became the prototype for a commercial board game for at least two centuries. The first board game published in the United States was 'Traveler's Tour Through the United States', published by New York City book dealer F. Lockwood in 1822. The earliest board games published in the United States were based on Christian morality and included The Mansion of Happiness (1843) and The Game of Pope or Pagan, or The Siege of the Stronghold of Satan by the Christian Army (1844). While demonstrating the commercial feasibility of the ancient racing game format, its moralistic nuances were opposed by Milton Bradley in 1860 with the introduction of a very different concept of success in The Checkered Game of Life, in which material success came as a result of such accomplishments. attending college, getting married, and getting rich. Similarly the District Messenger Boy Game (1886) also focuses on secular capitalist virtues rather than religion.

First patented in 1904, The Landlord's Game, designed by Elizabeth Magie, was originally intended to illustrate the economic consequences of Ricardo's Economic Law rents and the Georgist concept of a single tax on land value. A series of board games developed from 1906 to 1930s involving the purchase and sale of land and land development. In 1933, board games were made like a modern Monopoly version by Parker Brothers.

Although the first commercial version of the Battleship game was Salvo , published in 1931 in the United States by the Starex company, the game itself was dated before World War I when it was played on paper by Russian officers.. The French first game game L'Attaque was first commercially launched in 1910, having been designed two years earlier as a military-themed knowledge game based on a Chinese children's board game, Dou Shou Qi. L'Attaque was later adapted by China to Luzhanqi (or Lu Zhan Jun Qi ), and by Milton Bradley became Stratego, the latter had been trademarked in 1960 while the former remained in the public domain. The Jury Box, published in 1935, is the first murder mystery game that serves as the basis for games like Cluedo.

Originally designed in 1938, Scrabble received its first mass-market exposure in 1952, two years before the release of Diplomacy, in 1954. Diplomacy is a game favored by John F. Kennedy, and Henry Kissinger. Originally released in 1957 as the La ConquÃÆ'ªte du Monde ("Conquest of the World") in France, Risk was first published under the English title in 1959.

Starting with Gettysburg in 1958, the Avalon Hill company developed certain board wargames covering certain historical themes such as Midway, D-Day, and PanzerBlitz. Board wargames like Squad Leader, Tactics and Europa develop very complex and realistic rules. Avalon Hill Civilization introduces the use of technology trees (or "technology trees"), variants that have been implemented in many later video and board games such as the Sid Meier Civilization. Recent wargames such as 'A plain away', 'Labyrinth' and Satir War on Terror have focused on counter-terrorism and insurgency.

The design movement concentrated on German style board games, or Eurogame , began in the late 1970s and early 1980s in Germany, and led to the development of board games such as Carcassone, The Settlers of Catan, Agricola, Tickets for ride and Puerto Rico.

Card game

During the garments of the 15th century began to approach contemporary regional styles and court cards evolved to represent European royalty. Early European card games included Noddy, Triomphe, All Fours, Piquet, Basset, Hofamterspiel, KarnÃÆ'¶ffel, and Primero. In 1674 Charles Cotton published his 'Compleat Gamester', one of the first books to outline the rules for many card games and dice. During the mid-16th century, Portuguese merchants introduced playing cards to Japan. The first reference to twenty-one , Blackjack precursors is found in a book by Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes. Cervantes is a gambler, and the main character of his story Rinconete y Cortadillo is a skillful swindler playing ventiuna (twenty-one).

The Cribbage game seems to have been developed in the early 17th century, as an adaptation of the previous card game, Noddy. Pinochle probably originated from Bezique before, a game popular in France during the 17th century. 1742 saw the publication of Edmund Hoyle's 'Short Treatise on the Game of Whist' which became one of the best-selling publications of the 18th century. Whist was widely played during the 18th and 19th centuries, having evolved from the 16th century Trump game (or Ruff ) through Ruff and Honors.

Baccarat first became public attention in general and grew to be widely played as a direct result of the Royal Baccarat Scandal of 1891, and bears a resemblance to the game of Faro and Basset cards, both of which were very popular during the 19th century.. The rules of the Contract bridge were originally published in 1925, a game that had been derived from the Bridge game with a rule published in early 1886, the Bridge game, in turn, had evolved from previous Whist games.

The first documented poker game came from the Mississippi steamship in 1833. During the American Civil War, the game was popular with soldiers and extras were made including stud poker, and straight. The game of modern tournaments became popular in American casinos after the World Series of Poker (WSOP) began, in 1970. Poker popularity experienced an unprecedented surge in the early 21st century, largely due to the introduction of online poker and card-hole cameras, which turned the game into a spectator sport. In 2009, the International Poker Federation was established in Lausanne, Switzerland, becoming the official body for poker.

Collectible card games or trade card games while bearing similarities to previous games in concept, first achieved widespread popularity in the 1990s. The first trading card game is 'The Base Ball Card Game' produced by The Allegheny Card Co. and enrolled on April 4, 1904. It featured 104 unique baseball cards with individual player attributes printed on cards that allow each collector to build teams and play matches against others. The 1990s saw the rise of games such as Magic: The Gathering and PokÃÆ' Â © mon Trading Card Game.

Wargaming miniatures

The game of miniature figures has their origin in a German chess variant called 'The King's Game', made in 1780 by Helwig, Master of Pages to the Duke of Brunswick. It has a board with 1,666 squares of various terrain types, with pieces representing a modern military unit. In the early nineteenth century, the Prussian army developed a war game or 'kriegspieler', with staff officers moving pieces on the game table, using dice rolls to indicate opportunities or "friction" and with referees who scored the results. After Prussia's stunning victory against Austria and France in the 19th century, Austria, France, England, Italy, Japan and Russia all started using wargaming as a training tool. In 1889, wargaming was firmly entrenched in the culture of the US Navy.

The first non-military wargame rules were developed by Navy fans and analyst Fred T. Jane in 1898. HG Wells published the rules in Floor Games (1911) and Little Wars (1913) designed for wargaming with toy soldiers. In 1956, Jack Scruby, known as "Father of Modern Miniature Wargaming" hosted the first miniature convention and he is also a manufacturer of military miniatures and wargaming bulletin editors. Miniature war games became affordable and major in the late 1950s with the advent of cheaper miniature production methods by miniature figure manufacturers such as Scruby Miniatures, Miniature Figurines and Hinchliffe. During the 1980s there was a boom in miniature wargaming with game development such as Warhammer Fantasy Battle and Warhammer 40,000. Today miniature wargaming includes most of the historical era, fantasy and science fiction settings as well as wargaming Navy (Do not Surrender Ships !, Public Quarters), Water wargames and Wargames (Tactical) Attack Vector: Targis.

Game play role

Early role-playing games such as those created by M. A. R. Barker and Greg Stafford developed from miniature figures of wargames. Gary Gygax from the wargaming community of the University of Minnesota developed a set of rules for the late medieval environment. The game is called Chainmail and is a historical game, but the next edition includes attachments to add fantasy elements like spells, witches and dragons. In 1971, Dave Arneson had developed a miniature game called Blackmoor containing elements that would become widespread in fantasy games: hit points, experience points, character levels, armor classes, and dungeon explorations. Arneson and Gygax later met and collaborated on Dungeons & amp; Dragons game released in 1974 by Gygax's TSR. This game is very successful and some other games like FGG Fiction Scientific and generic GURPS system followed by imitation. In the late 1970s, TSR launched Advanced Dungeons & amp; Dragons (AD & D; D) who see extensions to the rule book and additions. The 80s saw several Dungeons & amp; Dragon controversy is like a claim that the game promotes Satanism and magic. Traditional Roleplay games are the basis for video games The modern role.

Other indoor games

In colonial America, the game Hazard is called by French in New Orleans (a French word meaning "frog" refers to the original style of the game by people crouching on the floor or sidewalk). This was later shortened to dice and after some adaptations became the most popular gambling dice game in the United States. Sic bo was introduced to the United States by Chinese immigrants in the 20th century and is now a popular casino game. Another casino game, Roulette, has been played since the late 18th century, and may be adapted from English wheelplay games like Roly-Poly and E.O.

With the possible exception of Carrom (the game whose origins are uncertain), the earliest game table appears to be a Cue sport, which includes billiards of Carambol, Pool, or Snailer's Billiards, and Snooker. Gesture sports are generally considered to have developed into indoor games from outdoor ball-and-ball games (retroactively called billiard ground), and are therefore associated with trucco, croquet and golf, and further into stickless bocce and balls.

Dominoes, originating from China and dated as far back as the Song Dynasty (1120 AD), first appeared in Europe during the 18th century. The Chinese Mahjong tile game was developed from a Chinese card game known as M'diÃÆ' o sometime during the 17th century and imported to the United States in the 1920s.

Outdoor games

Modern sports developed from various European games, many of them played by European nobility. Tennis was developed in France, French kings such as Francis I of France (1515-47) and Henry II (1547-59) were famous performers. Golf originated in Scotland, where the first written record of golf was the ban of James II's game in 1457. The ban was lifted by James IV in 1502 who also played golf. Cricket can be traced back to the Tudor era in early 16th century England and the rules of modern association football and rugby football are based on the mid-19th century rule that was made to standardize the football matches played by British public schools. The team's sport is spread all over the world by the influence of the British Empire.

Electronic game

The earliest reference to pure electronic games seems to be the United States patent registration in 1947 for what the inventors described as "cathode ray tube entertainment devices". During the 1950s and 1960s, the majority of early computer games were run on university mainframe computers in the United States. Starting in 1971, arcade video games began to be offered to the public to play. The first home video game console, the Magnavox Odyssey, was released in 1972.

The golden age of arcade video games began in 1978 and continued into the mid-1980s. The second-generation video game console, released between 1977 and 1983, saw an increase in popularity as a result of this, although this finally came to an abrupt end with North American video game crash of 1983. The home video game industry was finally revitalized with third-generation gaming consoles over the years to ahead, which saw a shift in the dominance of the video game industry from the United States to Japan. The same time period saw the advent of personal computer games, special home games computers, early online games, and the introduction of LED handheld electronic games and ultimately handheld video games.

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src: cdn.cheatcc.com


Source of the article : Wikipedia
