Senin, 25 Juni 2018

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alcohol dependence syndrome in men and women - Health Love

Alcohol dependence is a prior psychiatric diagnosis in which a person is physically or psychologically dependent on alcohol (also known formally as ethanol). In 2013 it was reclassified as a disruption of alcohol use (alcoholism) along with alcohol abuse in DSM-5.

Video Alcohol dependence



DSM: Ketergantungan alkohol

According to the DSM-IV criterion for alcohol dependence, at least three of the following seven criteria must be realized over a 12 month period:

  • Tolerance
  • Withdrawal symptoms or clinically defined alcohol withdrawal syndrome
  • Use in amounts greater or longer than intended
  • Constant craving or unsuccessful attempts to reduce alcohol use
  • Time spent getting alcohol or recovering from effects
  • Social, work and recreational activities are given or reduced due to alcohol use
  • Usage continues despite knowledge of alcohol-related (physical or psychological) hazards

ICD: Alcohol dependence syndrome

From the ICD-9 database:

  • Chronic illness in which a person desperately needs an alcoholic drink and can not control his drink. A person with this disease also needs to drink more to get the same effect and have withdrawal symptoms after quitting alcohol. Alcoholism affects physical and mental health, and can cause problems with family, friends, and work.
  • Disturbance characterized by pathological patterns of alcohol use that cause serious damage to social or occupational functions.
  • Primary chronic diseases with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors that affect their development and manifestations. The disease is often progressive and fatal. It is characterized by impaired control over drinking, preoccupation with drug alcohol, alcohol use despite adverse consequences, and distortion in thinking, especially denial. Each of these symptoms can be continuous or periodic. (morse & amp; flavin for the joint commission of the national council on alcoholism and drug dependence and the American society of addiction drugs to study the definitions and criteria for the diagnosis of alcoholism: in jama 1992; 268: 1012-4)
  • For most adults, moderate alcohol use may be harmless. However, about 18 million American adults are alcoholics or have alcohol problems. Alcoholism is a disease with four main features: desire
    • - a strong need to drink
    • lose control - can not stop drinking after you start
    • physical dependence - withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea, sweating, or trembling when you are not drinking
    • tolerance - the need to drink large amounts of alcohol to feel the same effect
  • Temporary mental disorder is characterized by the absence of muscle and paresis as a result of excessive alcohol consumption.

Other alcohol-related disorders

Since only 3 of 7 DSM-IV criteria for alcohol dependence are required, not all patients meet the same criteria and therefore do not all have the same symptoms and problems associated with drinking. Not everyone with alcohol dependence, therefore, is physiologically dependent. Alcohol dependence is distinguished from alcohol abuse by the presence of symptoms such as tolerance and withdrawal. Alcohol dependence and alcohol abuse are sometimes referred to as less specific alcoholism. However, many definitions of alcoholism exist, and only some are compatible with alcohol abuse. There are two main differences between alcohol dependence and alcoholism that are generally accepted by the medical community.

  1. Alcohol dependence refers to an entity in which only alcohol is an addictive substance involved. Alcoholism refers to entities in which alcohol or cross-tolerant addictive substances are involved.
  2. In alcohol dependence, alcohol reduction, as defined in DSM-IV, can be achieved by learning to control the use of alcohol. That is, clients can be offered a social learning approach that helps them to 'tackle' external pressure by re-learning their drinking patterns. In alcoholism, patients are generally not considered 'forgiveness' unless they stop consuming alcohol.

The following elements are templates whose degree of dependency is assessed:

  1. Narrow the drinking repertoire.
  2. Increasing the importance of alcohol needs to competing needs and responsibilities.
  3. Tolerance gained against alcohol.
  4. Withdrawal symptoms.
  5. Relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms by drinking further.
  6. Subjective awareness of the necessity of drinking.
  7. Restored after abstinence.


AUDIT has replaced older screening tools such as CAGE but there are many shorter alcohol screening tools, mostly from AUDIT. Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire (SAD-Q) is an inventory of twenty items that are more specific to assess the presence and severity of alcohol dependence.


The Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) is considered the most accurate alcohol screening tool to identify potential alcohol abuse, including dependence. It was developed by the World Health Organization, originally designed for use in primary healthcare settings with support guides.


The CAGE questionnaire, the name of which is an acronym of four questions, is a widely used screening method for alcoholism.

  • The online version of the CAGE questionnaire


Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire (SADQ or SAD-Q) is a 20 item clinical screening tool designed to measure the presence and extent of alcohol dependence.

Maps Alcohol dependence


Treatment for alcohol dependence can be separated into two groups, aimed at people who are heavily dependent on alcohol, and those who focus on those at risk are dependent on alcohol. Treatment for alcohol dependence often involves the use of relapse prevention, support groups, psychotherapy, and setting short term goals. The Twelve Step Program is also a popular process used by those wishing to recover from alcohol dependence.

Alcohol Dependence: Signs & Symptoms - Video & Lesson Transcript ...


About 12% of American adults have had alcohol dependence problems at some point in their lives. In the UK, the NHS estimates that about 9% of men and 4% of British women show signs of alcohol dependence.

Dealing with Alcohol Dependence - dependenceonalcohol


The term 'alcohol dependence' has replaced 'alcoholism' as a term so that individuals do not internalize the notion of healing and illness, but can approach alcohol as a chemical they may rely on to overcome external pressure.

The contemporary definition of alcohol dependence is still based on preliminary research. There have been many scientific efforts over the last few decades to identify and understand the core features of alcohol dependence. This work began in 1976, when British psychiatrist Griffith Edwards and his American colleague Milton M. Gross collaborated to produce a formulation of what had previously been understood as 'alcoholism' - the alcohol dependence syndrome .

Alcohol dependence syndrome is seen as a group of seven elements that agree. It is said that not all elements can be present in every case, but the images are fairly regular and coherent to allow for clinical recognition. This syndrome is also considered to exist in severity rather than as an absolute categorical. Thus, the right question is not 'whether one depends on alcohol', but 'how far along one's path of dependence has developed'.

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See also

  • Alcoholic dementia
  • Alcohol poisoning
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Drugs like disulfiram
  • High functional alcohol
  • Long-term alcohol effect
  • Alcohol Use the Nuisance Identification Test
  • CAGE Questionnaire
  • CRAFFT Scan Test
  • Test Paddington Alcohol
  • Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire

Alcohol Dependence Syndrome - YouTube



External links

  • Arnold Little, MD Alcohol Dependence - extensive article
  • SADD - Short Data Alcohol Addiction Questionnaire. Self-arranged brief questionnaires are sometimes used in individual or group care.
  • R.R.Garifullin Using coding therapy to treat alcohol and drug addiction. Manipulation in psychotherapy. Rostov-on-Don, Pheniks, 251 p. 2004. 251 p. ISBNÃ, 5-222-04382-7

Source of the article : Wikipedia
