Senin, 04 Juni 2018

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The growing trend of tobacco smoking â€

Smoking tobacco is a habit of smoking and inhaling tobacco smoke (consisting of particles and gas phases). (The broader definition may include taking only tobacco smoke into the mouth, and then releasing it, as some people do with tobacco pipes and cigars.) This practice is believed to have started from 5000-3000 BC in Mesoamerica and the South. America. Tobacco was introduced to Eurasia at the end of the 17th century by European colonists, where it followed a general trading route. This practice finds criticism from the first import to the Western world and so on but embedded itself in certain strata of some societies before it became widespread after the introduction of automatic cigarette roller.

German scientists identified the link between smoking and lung cancer in the late 1920s, leading to the first anti-smoking campaign in modern history, although one was interrupted by the fall of Nazi Germany at the end of World War II. In 1950, British researchers showed a clear link between smoking and cancer. Evidence continued to rise in the 1980s, which prompted political action against the practice. Consumption levels since 1965 in developed countries have reached a peak or decline. However, they continue to climb in the developing world.

Smoking is the most common method of tobacco consumption, and tobacco is the most commonly smoked substance. Agricultural products are often mixed with additives and then burned. The resulting smoke is then inhaled and the active ingredient is absorbed through the alveoli in the lungs or the oral mucosa. Burning is traditionally enhanced by the addition of potassium or other nitrate. Many substances in cigarette smoke trigger a chemical reaction in the nerve endings, which increases heart rate, alertness and reaction time, among others. Dopamine and endorphins are released, which are often associated with pleasure. In 2008 to 2010, tobacco was used by about 49% of men and 11% of women aged 15 or older in fourteen low and middle income countries (Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Egypt, India, Mexico, Philippines, Poland, Russia, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay, and Vietnam), with about 80% of this use in the form of smoking. The gender gap tends to be less prominent in lower age groups.

Many smokers start during adolescence or early adulthood. During the initial stages, the perceived pleasure combination acts as a positive reinforcement and the desire to respond to peer pressure may compensate for the unpleasant symptoms of early use, which usually include nausea and cough. After a person smokes for several years, avoiding withdrawal symptoms and negative reinforcement becomes the main motivation to continue.

A study of the first-grade smoking experience of seventh grade students found that the most common factor that caused smoking students was cigarette advertising. Smoking by parents, siblings and friends also encourages students to smoke.

Video Tobacco smoking


Used in ancient cultures

The history of smoking dates back from 5000-3000 BC, when agricultural products began to be cultivated in Mesoamerica and South America; Consumption then evolves into accidentally burning the substance of plants or with the intention of exploring other ways of consumption. The practice works by shamanic rituals. Many ancient civilizations - such as Babylonians, Indians, and Chinese - burned incense during religious rituals. Smoking in America may come from the incense burning ceremony of the shaman but is later adopted for pleasure or as a social tool. Smoking tobacco and various hallucinogenic drugs are used to achieve trance and come into contact with the spirit world.

East Asians of North America will carry large quantities of tobacco in pockets as merchandise received easily and often suck them in ceremonial pipes, either in sacred ceremonies or to seal bargains. Adults and children enjoy this exercise. It is believed that tobacco is a gift from the Creator and that the exhaled smoke of tobacco is able to bring one's thoughts and prayers to heaven.

In addition to smoking, tobacco has a number of uses as a medicine. As a pain killer it is used for earache and toothache and sometimes as a poultice. Smoking is said by desert Indians to be a cure for colds, especially if tobacco is mixed with small desert leaves Sage, Salvia dorrii, or Indian balsam root or cough root Leptotaenia multifida , a supplement that is considered very good for asthma and tuberculosis.


In 1612, six years after the settlement of Jamestown, Virginia, John Rolfe was credited as the first settler to successfully grow tobacco as a cash crop. Rapid demand grew as tobacco, referred to as "brown gold", reviving the combined Virginia stock company of a failed gold expedition. To meet the demand of the Old World, tobacco is planted in succession, quickly attenuating the soil. It became a motivator to settle in the west to an unknown continent, as well as the expansion of tobacco production. Indented neglect became the main work force until the Bacon Rebellion, from which the focus turned to slavery. This trend subsided after the American Revolution because slavery was deemed unprofitable. However, the practice was revived in 1794 with the invention of cotton gin.

France Jean Nicot (from whose name the word nicotine originated) introduced tobacco to France in 1560, and tobacco then spread to England. The first report of an Englishman who smoked was a sailor at Bristol in 1556, seen "emitting smoke from his nostrils". Like tea, coffee and opium, tobacco is just one of many liquors that were originally used as a form of medicine. Tobacco introduced around 1600 by French merchants in today is Gambia and modern Senegal. At the same time, caravans from Morocco brought tobacco to the area around Timbuktu, and the Portuguese brought commodities (and crops) to southern Africa, establishing the popularity of tobacco throughout Africa in the 1650s.

Immediately after its introduction into the Old World, tobacco often gets criticized from state and religious leaders. James VI and I, the Kings of Scotland and England, produced the Treatise of A Counterblaste to Tobacco in 1604, and also introduced excise duties on the product. Murad IV, the sultan of the Ottoman Empire of 1623-40 was among the first to try smoking bans by claiming it was a threat to morals and public health. China's Emperor Chongzhen issued a decree banning smoking two years before his death and the overthrow of the Ming Dynasty. Then, the Manchu rulers of the Qing dynasty, would proclaim smoking "a more heinous crime than even ignoring archery". In the Edo period of Japan, some of the earliest tobacco plantations scorned by the shogunate as a threat to the military economy by leaving valuable farmland in vain for drug use were not used for growing food crops.

Religious leaders are often prominent among those who consider smoking to be immoral or blatantly blasphemous. In 1634, the Moscow Patriarchs banned the sale of tobacco, and punished men and women who ridiculed the ban for having their nostrils and their backs skinned. Pope Urban VIII also condemned smoking in holy places in a papal bull in 1624. Despite joint efforts, prohibitions and restrictions were ignored. When James I of England, a staunch anti-smoker and author of A Counterblaste to Tobacco, tried to curb a new trend by imposing a 4000% increase in tobacco on tobacco in 1604, it did not work, as it did recommended. with the presence of about 7,000 tobacco outlets in London at the beginning of the 17th century. From this point for several centuries, some administrators withdrew from attempts with disappointment rather than transforming tobacco trade and planting into a sometimes lucrative government monopoly.

By the mid-seventeenth century, most major civilizations had been introduced to tobacco smokers and in many cases had been assimilated into indigenous cultures, although several attempts were made to the ruling sections to eliminate the practice by punishment or fines. Tobacco, both products and crops, follows major trade routes to major ports and markets, and then into the interior. The English term smoking appeared to have entered the currency at the end of the 18th century, before a less abbreviated description of a practice like drinking smoke was also used.

Growth in the US remained stable until the American Civil War in the 1860s, when major agricultural labor shifted from slavery to profit sharing. This, along with demand change, accompanied the industrialization of cigarette production as a craftsman James Bonsack invented the machine in 1881 to automate some of their manufacture.

Social attitude and public health

In Germany, the anti-smoking group, often associated with anti-alcohol groups, first published advocacy against tobacco consumption in the journal Der Tabakgegner (The Tobacco Opponent) in 1912 and 1932. In 1929, Fritz Lickint of Dresden, Germany, published a paper containing formal statistical evidence of a lung cancer relationship. During the Great Depression, Adolf Hitler condemned his previous smoking habit as a waste of money, and then with a stronger affirmation. This movement was further strengthened by the Nazi reproduction policy because women who smoked were viewed as unfit to be wives and mothers in German families.

The anti-tobacco movement in Nazi Germany did not reach the enemy lines during the Second World War, as anti-smoking groups quickly lost popular support. At the end of the Second World War, American cigarette producers quickly reentered the German black market. Illegal tobacco smuggling became prevalent, and the leaders of the Nazi anti-smoking campaign were silenced. As part of the Marshall Plan, the United States sends free tobacco to Germany; with 24,000 tons in 1948 and 69,000 tons in 1949. The per capita cigarette consumption per year in postwar Germany increased from 460 in 1950 to 1,523 in 1963. By the end of the 20th century, the anti-smoking campaign in Germany could not exceed the effectiveness of the Nazi-era climax of 1939-41 and German tobacco health research is described by Robert N. Proctor as "silenced".

In 1950, Richard Doll published a study in the British Medical Journal showing a close connection between smoking and lung cancer. Beginning in December 1952, Reader's Digest magazine published "Cancer by the Carton", a series of articles linking smoking to lung cancer.

In 1954, the British Physician Study, a prospective study of about 40,000 doctors for about 2.5 years, confirmed the suggestion, based on government advice that smoking and related lung cancer rates. In January 1964, the Surgeon General United States Report on Smoking and Health also began to show a link between smoking and cancer.

As scientific evidence mounted in the 1980s, tobacco companies claim negligence of contributions as an adverse health effect that was previously unknown or lacked substantial credibility. The health authorities sided with this claim until 1998, from which they reversed their positions. The Tobacco Main Completion Agreement, originally between the four largest US tobacco companies and the Attorney General of 46 states, prohibits certain types of tobacco advertising and payments necessary for health compensation; which then amounts to the largest civilian settlement in US history.

Social campaigns have been instituted in many places to prevent smoking, such as Canada's National Non-Smoking Week.

From 1965 to 2006, the smoking rate in the United States decreased from 42% to 20.8%. The majority of people who quit are professional and prosperous men. Although the number of per-capita smokers declined, the average number of cigarettes consumed per person rose from 22 in 1954 to 30 in 1978. This paradoxical event shows that those who quit smoking are less, while those who continue to smoke smoke more light cigarettes. This trend has been paralleled by many industrialized countries because the rate has been flattened or declined. In developing countries, however, tobacco consumption continued to increase at 3.4% in 2002. In Africa, smoking in most areas is considered modern, and many of the strong bad opinions prevailing in the West receive less attention. Today Russia leads as the top tobacco consumer followed by Indonesia, Laos, Ukraine, Belarus, Greece, Jordan, and China.

Maps Tobacco smoking



Tobacco is an agricultural product made from fresh plant leaves in the genus Nicotiana . This genus contains a number of species, however, Nicotiana tabacum is the most commonly grown. Nicotiana rustica follows as the latter contains higher nicotine concentrations. The leaves are harvested and cured to allow for the slow oxidation and degradation of carotenoids in tobacco leaves. It produces certain compounds in tobacco leaves that can be attributed to sweet hay, tea, rose oil, or flavorful fruit flavor. Before packing, tobacco is often combined with other additives to increase the addictive potential, shift the pH product, or increase the smoke effect by making it more comfortable. In the United States this additive is set to 599 substances. The product is then processed, packaged, and delivered to the consumer market.

Beedis is a thin South Asian cigarette stuffed with tobacco flakes and wrapped in tendu leaves tied with string at one end. They produce higher levels of carbon monoxide, nicotine and tar than regular cigarettes in the United States.
A cigar is a round coil of dried and fermented tobacco that is lit so that smoke can be drawn into the smoker's mouth. They are generally not inhaled because of the high alkalinity of the smoke, which can quickly become irritating to the trachea and lungs. The prevalence of cigar smoke varies depending on the location, historical period, and population surveyed, and the prevalence estimates vary somewhat depending on the survey method. The United States is the highest consumer country so far, followed by Germany and Britain; The US and Western Europe account for about 75% of cigar sales worldwide. In 2005 it was estimated that 4.3% of men and 0.3% of women smoked cigars in the US.
Cigarettes , the French for "small cigars", is a product consumed through cigarettes and is produced from tobacco leafs that are well preserved and cut and re-shaped tobacco, often combined with other additives, which are then rolled or put in a paper-wrapped cylinder. Cigarettes are ignited and inhaled, usually through cellulose acetate filters, into the mouth and lungs.

Hookah is a single or multi-stemmed (often glass-based) water pipe for smoking. Coming from India. Hookah is a symbol of pride and honor for landlords, kings and other upscale people. Now, hookahs have gained tremendous popularity, especially in the Middle East. Hookah operates with water filtration and indirect heat. Can be used to smoke herbal fruits, tobacco, or marijuana.
Kretek is a cigarette made with a complex mixture of tobacco, cloves and a "sauce" of flavor. It was first introduced in the 1880s in Kudus, Java, to deliver clove eugenol to the lungs. Quality and variety of tobacco play an important role in the production of clove, in which kretek can contain more than 30 types of tobacco. Chopped dried clove buds weighing about a third of the tobacco mixture are added to add flavoring. In 2004 the United States banned cigarettes from having "taste characteristics" of certain ingredients other than tobacco and menthol, thus eliminating clove cigarettes classified as cigarettes.
Passive smokers
Passive smoking is the unintentional consumption of tobacco smoke. Secondhand smoke (SHS) is the consumption in which the burning tip exists, environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) or third smoke is the smoke consumption remaining after the burning end has been extinguished. Because of its perceived negative implications, this form of consumption has played a central role in the regulation of tobacco products.
Smoking pipes
The cigarette pipe usually consists of a small space (bowl) for burning smoked tobacco and a thin shank (end) with a funnel (bit). Shredded tobacco pieces are placed into the room and turned on.
Roll-your-own or hand-rolled cigarettes, often called "rollies", "teeth" or "roll-ups," are very popular especially in European and British countries. These are prepared from loose tobacco, cigarette paper, and filters all purchased separately. They are usually much cheaper than ready-made cigarettes and small tools can be purchased making the process easier. â € <â € <
The vaporizer is a tool used to smooth the active ingredients of plant material. Rather than burn ingredients, which produce potentially irritating, toxic, or carcinogenic by-products; the vaporizer heats the material in a partial vacuum so that the active compound contained in the plant boils into vapor. This method is often preferred when administering medically a smoke substance, as opposed to pyrolysis of plant material.


Active substances in tobacco, especially cigarettes, are given by burning the leaves and inhaling the evaporated gas produced. It quickly and effectively delivers substances into the bloodstream through absorption through the alveoli in the lungs. The lungs contain about 300 million alveoli, which amount to a surface area of ​​over 70 m 2 (the size of a tennis court). This method is not fully efficient because not all smoke will be inhaled, and some active substances will be lost in the combustion process, pyrolysis. Pipe and cigar smoke is not inhaled because of its high alkalinity, which irritates the trachea and lungs. However, due to its higher alkalinity (pH 8.5) compared with cigarette smoke (pH 5.3), the non-ionized nicotine is more readily absorbed through the mucous membranes in the mouth. The absorption of nicotine from cigars and pipes, however, is much less than cigarette smoke. Nicotine and cocaine activate a similar pattern of neurons, which supports the presence of common substrates among these drugs.

Inhaled nicotine mimics nicotinic acetylcholine which when bound to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors prevents reuptake of acetylcholine, thus increasing the neurotransmitter in the body areas. This nicotinic acetylcholine receptor is located in the central nervous system and in the skeletal muscle-junction muscles; whose activity increases heart rate, alertness, and faster reaction time. Stimulation of indirect nicotine acetylcholine is addictive. However, since dopamine-releasing neurons are abundant in nicotine receptors, dopamine is released; and, in the nucleus accumbens, dopamine is associated with motivations that lead to reinforcing behavior. Increased dopamine, in the prefrontal cortex, can also improve working memory.

When tobacco is smoked, most of the nicotine undergoes pyrolysis. However, sufficient doses to cause mild somatic dependence and mild to strong psychological dependence persist. There is also a harmane formation (MAO inhibitor) of acetaldehyde in tobacco smoke. It may play a role in nicotine addiction, by facilitating the release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens in response to nicotine stimulation. Using a mouse study, withdrawal after repeated exposure of nicotine results in a less responsive cell nucleus accumbens, which produces dopamine responsible for reinforcement.


In 2000, smoking was practiced by about 1.22 billion people. At the current rate of 'smokers' smokers and market growth, this can reach about 1.9 billion by 2025.

Smoking can be up to five times more common among men than women in some communities, although the gender gap usually declines with younger age. In some developed countries, the smoking rate for men has reached its peak and begins to decline, while for women they continue to rise.

In 2002, about twenty percent of young adolescents (13-15) smoked around the world. From which 80,000 to 100,000 children start smoking every day, about half live in Asia. Half of those who start smoking in adolescence are projected to smoke for 15 to 20 years.

The World Health Organization (WHO) states that "Most burden of disease and premature deaths caused by tobacco use disproportionately affect the poor". Of the 1.22 billion smokers, 1 billion of them live in developing countries or transition economies. Smoking rates have declined or decreased in developed countries. But in developing countries, tobacco consumption rose 3.4% annually in 2002.

WHO in 2004 projected 58.8 million deaths globally, from 5.4 million attributable to tobacco, and 4.9 million in 2007. In 2002, 70% of deaths occurred in developing countries. By 2017, smoking causes one in ten deaths worldwide, with half of deaths in the US, China, India and Russia.

The global grip of cigarette smoking



Most smokers start smoking during adolescence or early adulthood. Several studies have also shown that smoking can also be associated with various mental health complications. Smoking has an element of risk taking and rebellion, which often appeals to young people. The presence of smoked colleagues and media featuring high-status models of smoking can also encourage smoking. Because adolescents are more affected by their peers than by adults, efforts by parents, schools, and health professionals to prevent people from trying cigarettes often do not work.

Children of parents who smoke are more likely to smoke than children with parents who do not smoke. Children of parents who smoke tend not to stop smoking. One study found that parental smoking cessation was associated with fewer teenage smoking, except when other parents were currently smoking. A recent study examined the association of adolescent smoking with the rules governing where adults are allowed to smoke at home. The results indicate that a strict home smoking policy is associated with a lower likelihood of trying to smoke for middle and high school students.

Behavioral research generally indicates that teens start their smoking habit due to peer pressure, and cultural influences are portrayed by friends. However, one study found that direct pressure to smoke cigarettes played a less significant part in adolescent smoking, with adolescents also reporting low levels of normative and direct pressure to smoke. Direct exposure to tobacco retailers can motivate smoking behavior in adults. A similar study suggests that individuals can play a more active role in starting smoking than has been previously thought and that social processes other than peer pressure also need to be taken into account. Other results indicate that peer pressure is significantly related to smoking behavior at all ages and gender groups, but intrapersonal factors are significantly more important for smoking behavior in girls aged 12 to 13 years than boys of the same age. In the age group of 14 to 15 years, one peer pressure variable emerged as a significantly more significant predictor of smoking for girls than for boys. It remains to be debated whether peer pressure or self-selection is a bigger cause of teen smoking.

Psychologists like Hans Eysenck have developed personality profiles for typical smokers. Extraversion is the trait most closely related to smoking, and smokers tend to socialize, impulsively, take risks, and seek out passionate individuals. Although personality and social factors can make people tend to smoke, the real habit is a function of operant conditioning. During the early stages, smoking provides a pleasant sensation (due to its action on the dopamine system) and thus serves as a positive reinforcement source.


The reasons given by some smokers for this activity have been categorized as addictive smoking, pleasure from smoking, reduction of tension/relaxation , smoking , stimulation , habits/automatism , and handling . There are sex differences in terms of how much each of these reasons contribute, with women more likely than men to quote reduction of tension/relaxation , stimulation and smoking social .

Some smokers argue that the depressant effect of smoking allows them to calm their nerves, often allowing for increased concentration. However, according to Imperial College London, "Nicotine seems to have the effect of stimulants and depressants, and it seems that the effect is at all times determined by the mood of the user, the environment and the state of the use of the Study shows that low doses have a depressant effect, while higher doses have stimulant effects.


A number of studies have determined that smoking and smoking sales follow different time patterns. For example, the sale of cigarettes in the United States has been shown to follow a strong seasonal pattern, with the high months being the summer months, and the low months are the winter months.

Similarly, smoking has been shown to follow a different circadian pattern during waking days - with a high point usually occurring shortly after waking up in the morning, and just before bedtime at night.

Tobacco smokers could gain 86 million years of life if they switch ...



In countries where there is a universally funded health care system, the government bears the cost of medical care for smokers who become ill from smoking in the form of increased taxes. Two broad debating positions lie ahead, the "pro-smoking" argument suggests that heavy smokers generally do not live long enough to develop expensive and chronic diseases that affect the elderly, reduce public health burden, and "anti-smoking." health services are increasing because smokers experience chronic youthful disease and to a higher level than the general population. Data on both positions has been contested. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a study in 2002 claiming that the cost of each pack of cigarettes sold in the United States is over $ 7 in medical care and lost productivity. The cost may be higher, with other studies putting it as high as $ 41 per pack, most of which is on the individual and his family. This is how the study's authors say when he explains the very low cost to others: "The reason for this low number is that for private pensions, Social Security, and Medicare - the biggest factor in calculating the cost to society - smoking actually saves money. at a younger age and not exploiting the funds they have paid into the system. "Other research has shown that premature deaths caused by smoking can redistribute Social Security revenues in unexpected ways that affect behavior and reduce the economic welfare of smokers and dependents they. To support this further, no matter what the level of cigarette consumption per day, smokers have a higher lifetime medical cost on average than non smokers by about $ 6000 Between the cost for lost productivity and combined health care spending, the cost of smoking at least 193 billion (Research also shows that smokers earn less money than nonsmokers). For passive smokers, it costs more than 10 billion dollars.

In contrast, some non-scientific studies, including those conducted by Philip Morris in the Czech Republic are called Balance of Public Finance Smoking in the Czech Republic and others by Cato Institute, support opposite positions. Philip Morris has explicitly apologized for his previous study, saying: "The public fund and release of this study which, among other things, details the concrete cost savings to the Czech Republic due to the premature death of smokers, shows horrific and complete judgment and can not accept the value- For one of our tobacco companies to commission this research is not just a big mistake, it's wrong.We are all in Philip Morris, no matter where we work, very sorry for this.The benefits of a very real, serious and significant illness which is caused by smoking. "

Between 1970 and 1995, per capita cigarette consumption in poorer developing countries increased 67 percent, while it fell 10 percent in rich rich countries. Eighty percent of smokers now live in less developed countries. By 2030, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 10 million people a year will die from smoking-related illnesses, making it the biggest cause of death in the world, with the largest increase being among women. The WHO forecast the 21st century mortality rate from smoking to ten times that of the 20th century ("Washingtonian", December 2007).


Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death and major public health problems.

There are 1.1 billion users of tobacco in the world. One person dies every six seconds from a tobacco-related illness.

Tobacco use most often leads to diseases affecting the heart and lungs, with smoking being a major risk factor for heart attacks, strokes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF), emphysema, and cancer (especially lung cancer - new, laryngeal and oral cancer, esophageal cancer and pancreatic cancer). Cigarette smoking increases the risk of Crohn's disease and the severity of illness. It is also the leading cause of bladder cancer. Smoke from tobacco raises a carcinogenic effect on body tissues exposed to smoke.

Tobacco smoke is a complex mix of over 5,000 chemicals identified, of which 98 are known to have certain toxicological properties. The most important chemical that causes cancer is that it produces DNA damage because the damage appears to be a major cause of cancer. Cunningham et al. combining the weight of microgram compounds in the smoke of a single cigarette with a known genotoxic effect per microgram to identify most carcinogenic compounds in cigarette smoke. The seven most important carcinogens in tobacco smoke are displayed on the table, together with the DNA changes they cause.

Tobacco smoke can combine with other carcinogens present in the environment to produce an increase in lung cancer.

Smoking is also associated with sarcopenia, loss of muscle mass and age-related strength.

The World Health Organization estimates that tobacco caused 5.4 million deaths in 2004 and 100 million deaths during the 20th century. Similarly, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention describes the use of tobacco as "the single most important preventable risk to human health in developed countries and an important cause of premature death worldwide." Although 70% of smokers expressed their desire to quit just 3-5% actually managed to do it.

The probability of dying from lung cancer before age 75 in the UK is 0.2% for men who never smoked (0.4% for women), 5.5% for former male smokers (2.6% in women) 15.9% for current male smokers (9.5%). % for women) and 24.4% for men of "heavy smoking" defined as smoking over 5 cigarettes per day (18.5% for women). Tobacco smoke can combine with other carcinogens present in the environment to produce an increase in lung cancer.

Smoking rates generally slow or decline in developed countries. The smoking rate in the United States has fallen by half from 1965 to 2006, down from 42% to 20.8% in adults. In developing countries, tobacco consumption increased 3.4% per year.

Cigarette smoke presents a known health risk, of which six hundred thousand deaths were attributed in 2004. Also known to have produced skin conditions such as spots and drought.

By 2015, meta-analysis found that smokers are at greater risk of developing psychotic illnesses. Tobacco has also been described anaphrodisiac because of its tendency to cause erectile dysfunction.


Famous smokers from the past used cigarettes or pipes as part of their image, such as Jean-Paul Sartre Gauloises cigarettes; Albert Einstein Pipes, Douglas MacArthur's, Bertrand Russell, and Bing Crosby; or cigarette newscaster Edward R. Murrow. The authors in particular appear to be notorious for smoking, for example, the book Cornell Professor Richard Klein Cigarettes is Sublime for analysis, by this French literary professor, about the role played by cigarettes in the 19th and 20th centuries. Famous author Kurt Vonnegut conveyed his addiction to cigarettes in his novel. British Prime Minister Harold Wilson is famous for smoking plumbing in public like Winston Churchill for cigars. Sherlock Holmes, the fictional detective invented by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle smoking pipe, cigarette, and cigar. The DC Vertigo comic book character, John Constantine, made by Alan Moore, is synonymous with smoking, so much so that the first storyline by Preacher's creator, Garth Ennis, centered around John Constantine with lung cancer. The professional wrestler James Fullington, while in character as "The Sandman", is a chronic smoker in order to appear "tough".

The problem of smoking at home is very difficult for women in many cultures (especially Arab culture), where it may not be acceptable for a woman to ask her husband not to smoke at home or in front of her children. Research has shown that pollution levels for indoor smoking areas are higher than levels found on busy roads, in closed motor garages, and during fire storms. In addition, the smoke can spread from one room to another, even if the door to the smoking area is closed.

A deliberate tobacco smoker, and praying with a sacred pipe, is a prominent part of the religious ceremonies of a number of Native American States. Sema , said Anishinaabe for tobacco, is grown for ceremonial purposes and is considered the highest sacred plant because its smoke is believed to bring prayer to the spirit. In most major religions, however, tobacco smoking is not specifically prohibited, although it may not be suggested as an immoral habit. Before the health risks of smoking were identified through controlled studies, smoking was considered an immoral habit by certain Christian preachers and social reformers. The founder of the Latter-day Saint movement, Joseph Smith, notes that on February 27, 1833, he received a revelation that does not permit the use of tobacco. This "Word of Wisdom" is then accepted as a command, and faithful Latter-day Saints do not want to be entirely from tobacco. Jehovah's Witnesses base their stand against smoking on the biblical command to "rid ourselves of every defilement of the flesh" (2 Corinthians 7: 1). The Jewish Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan (1838-1933) was one of the first Jewish authorities to speak of smoking. In Ahmadiyya Islam, smoking is not recommended, although it is not prohibited. However, during the fasting month, smoking tobacco is prohibited. In BahÃÆ'¡'ÃÆ' Faith, tobacco smoking is not recommended even if it is not prohibited.

Tobacco Cessation | Franciscan Health

Further reading

One of the largest global companies in the world is known as the tobacco industry. The six largest tobacco companies generated a combined profit of $ 35.1 billion (Jha et al., 2014) in 2010. Tobacco smoking causes millions of deaths globally each year. According to The Atlas Tobacco, tobacco use has caused 6 million deaths by 2011, 80% of these deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries. Studies have shown that there are many negative effects of smoking; Some of these factors are health, social and psychological factors that can harm a person's life.

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Public policy

On February 27, 2005, the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control takes effect. The FCTC is the world's first public health treaty. Countries that signed as parties agreed on a set of common goals, minimum standards for tobacco control policies, and to cooperate in addressing cross-border challenges such as smuggling of cigarettes. The WHO currently states that 4 billion people will be covered by the agreement, which includes 168 signatories. Among other measures, the signatory is to draft laws that will eliminate secondhand smoke in indoor workplaces, public transport, public places in the room and, as appropriate, other public places.


Many governments have introduced excise taxes on cigarettes to reduce cigarette consumption.

In 2002, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that every pack of cigarettes sold in the United States cost the country more than $ 7 in medical care and lost productivity, about $ 3400 per year per smoker. Another study by a team of health economists found a combined price paid by their families and communities was about $ 41 per pack of cigarettes.

Substantial scientific evidence suggests that higher cigarette prices result in lower overall cigarette consumption. Most studies show that a 10% price increase will reduce overall cigarette consumption by 3% to 5%. Young people, minorities, and low-income smokers are two to three times more likely to quit or smoke less than other smokers in response to price increases. Smoking is often cited as an example of non-elastic goods; however, large price increases will only result in a slight decrease in consumption.

Many countries have adopted some forms of tobacco taxation. In 1997, Denmark had the highest cigarette tax burden of $ 4.02 per pack. Taiwan only has a tax burden of $ 0.62 per pack. The federal government of the United States charges $ 1.01 per pack.

Cigarette taxes vary widely from state to state in the United States. For example, Missouri has a cigarette tax of only 17 cents per pack, the lowest in the country, while New York has the highest cigarette tax in the US: $ 4.35 per pack. In Alabama, Illinois, Missouri, New York City, Tennessee, and Virginia, the county and city may impose additional taxes that are limited to cigarette prices. Sales taxes are also levied on tobacco products in most jurisdictions.

In the United Kingdom, a pack of 20 cigarettes typically costs between £ 5.22 and £ 8, £ 8.00 in 2007 prices, depending on which brand is purchased and where the purchase is made. The UK has a significant black market for tobacco, and it has been estimated by the tobacco industry that 27% of cigarettes and 68% of tobacco handrolling consumption are non-UK duty paid (NUKDP).

In Australia, the total tax includes 62.5% of the final price of a pack of cigarettes (2011 figures). This tax includes federal or customs duties and Goods and Services Tax.


In June 1967, the US Federal Communications Commission ruled that a program broadcast on television stations addressing smoking and health was insufficient to compensate for the effects of paid advertisements being broadcast for five to ten minutes each day. In April 1970, the US Congress passed a Public Health Cigarette Act which banned cigarette advertisements on television and radio from January 2, 1971.

The 1992 Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act expressly prohibits almost all forms of Tobacco advertising in Australia, including sports sponsorships or other cultural events by cigarette brands.

All tobacco advertising and television sponsorship have been banned in the European Union since 1991 under the Television Without Frontiers Directive (1989). This prohibition was extended by the Tobacco Advertising Directive, which came into force in July 2005 to cover other forms of media such as the internet, print media, and radio. Referrals do not include ads in theaters and on billboards or using merchandise - or tobacco sponsorship of pure local cultural and sporting events, with participants coming from only one Member State because this is outside the jurisdiction of the European Commission. However, most member countries have transferred orders with national laws that are broader in scope than directive and include local advertising. A 2008 European Commission report concluded that directives have been successfully converted into national laws in all EU Member States, and that the law is well implemented.

Some countries also enforce legal requirements on tobacco product packaging. For example, in countries of the European Union, Turkey, Australia and South Africa, cigarette packs should be clearly labeled with the health risks associated with smoking. Canada, Australia, Thailand, Iceland and Brazil have also enacted labels on cigarette packs that warn smokers about their impact, and they include graphic images of potential health effects of smoking. The card is also put in a pack of cigarettes in Canada. There are sixteen of them, and only one comes in one package. They explain various methods of quitting smoking. Also, in the UK, there are a number of NHS graphic ads, one of which shows a cigarette filled with fat deposits, as if a cigarette symbolizes a smoker's artery.

Many countries have age smoking. In many countries, including the United States, most of the EU, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, Israel, India, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica and Australia countries are illegally selling tobacco products to minors and in the Netherlands , Austria, Belgium, Denmark and South Africa are illegal to sell tobacco products to people under the age of 16. On September 1, 2007 the minimum age to buy tobacco products in Germany rose from 16 to 18, as well as in the UK where on October 1, 2007 increased from 16 to 18. Underlying the law is the belief that people should make informed decisions about the risks of tobacco use. This law has weak law enforcement in some countries and states. In China, Turkey, and many other countries usually a child will have little problem buying tobacco products, because they are often told to go to the store to buy tobacco for their parents.

Some countries such as Ireland, Latvia, Estonia, Netherlands, Finland, Norway, Canada, Australia, Sweden, Portugal, Singapore, Italy, Indonesia, India, Lithuania, Chile, Spain, Iceland, England, Slovenia, Turkey, and Malta have been enacted against smoking in public areas, often including bars and restaurants. Restaurant owners have been allowed in some jurisdictions to establish a special smoking area (or forbid smoking). In the United States, many countries banned smoking in restaurants, and some also banned smoking in bars. In the Canadian province, smoking is illegal in indoor workplaces and public areas, including bars and restaurants. As of March 31, 2008 Canada has introduced a smoke-free legal ban in all public places, as well as within 10 meters of the entrance to public places. In Australia, smoke-free laws vary from state to state. Currently, Queensland has non smoking rooms (including workplaces, bars, pubs and restaurants) and patrolled beaches and some public areas outdoors. However, exceptions to the designated smoking area. In Victoria, smoking is restricted to train stations, bus stops and tram stops as this is a common location where passive smokers can affect non-smokers waiting for public transport, and since July 1, 2007 is now extended to all public places in the room. In New Zealand and Brazil, smoking is restricted in public areas including bars, restaurants and pubs. Hong Kong restricts smoking on January 1, 2007 at work, public spaces such as restaurants, karaoke rooms, buildings, and public parks (bars that do not recognize minors are exempt except in 2009). In Romania smoking is illegal in trains, metro stations, public institutions (except those designated, usually outside) and public transport. In Germany, in addition to smoking bans on public buildings and transport, anti-smoking regulations for bars and restaurants were implemented in late 2007. A study by Hamburg University (Ahlfeldt and Maennig 2010) showed that the smoking ban, if anything, only short-term impact on bar and restaurant revenues. In the medium to long term there are no measurable negative effects. The results show that consumption in bars and restaurants is not affected by long-term smoking bans, or, that the negative impacts of income by smokers are compensated by increased income through non-smokers.

Ignition Security

Indirect public health problems caused by cigarettes are accidental fires, usually associated with alcohol consumption. Enhanced burning using nitrate is traditionally used but cigarette manufacturers have been silent on this subject claiming initially that safe cigarettes are technically impossible, then that can only be achieved by modifying the paper. Roll your own cigarette does not contain additives and is safe from fire. Many firebrand fire safe designs have been proposed, some by the tobacco company itself, which will quell cigarettes left out for more than a minute or two, thereby reducing the risk of fire. Among American tobacco companies, some refuse this idea, while others embrace it. RJ Reynolds was the leader in the manufacture of this cigarette prototype in 1983 and will make all of its US cigarette markets become fire-safe by 2010. Phillip Morris is not actively supportive. Lorillard (purchased by RJ Reynolds), the third largest US cigarette company, seems ambivalent.

Almost 3,000 smoking-related deaths a year in UAE, report shows ...

Gateway drug theory

The relationship between tobacco and other drug use has been well established, but the nature of the association remains unclear. The two main theories are the phenotypic causal (gateway) model and the correlated liability model. The underlying model states that smoking is a major influence on future drug use, while correlated liability models argue that smoking and other drug use are based on genetic or environmental factors.

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Smoking cessation, referred to as "stopping", is an act that leads to abstinence from tobacco smoking. The "stop" method includes advice from doctors or social workers, cold turkey, nicotine replacement therapy, contingent vouchers, antidepressants, hypnosis, self-help (awareness meditation), and support groups.

Smoking Pipes And Tobacco Leaves On Burlap Stock Image - Image of ...

See also

  • Smoking marijuana
  • Smoking cigarettes among students
  • Cigarette smoking to lose weight
  • Electronic cigarettes
  • Herbal Cigarettes
  • List of non-smoking carcinogens
  • Tobacco ads
  • Tobacco control
  • Snuff (tobacco)

A new worry for smokers' families: 'thirdhand smoke' | PBS NewsHour


A minimum cigarette cost is just one step to a healthier society ...


What's in Tobacco Smoke? Many Americans Don't Know | ist Magazine

External links

Source of the article : Wikipedia
