Selasa, 12 Juni 2018

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Women Abducted by the Islamic State Feared Trapped in Sexual ...

Sexual slavery (sometimes known as sexual exploitation ) is to attach ownership rights to one or more persons with the intention of forcing or forcing them to engage in one or more sexual activities. This includes forced labor, reducing a person to slave status (including forced marriage) and people who trade sex, such as the trafficking of children's sex.

Sexual slavery can also involve sexual slavery with a sole proprietor; ritual slavery, sometimes associated with certain religious practices, such as slave rituals in Ghana, Togo and Benin; slavery for mainly non-sexual purposes but where non-consensual sexual activity is common; or forced prostitution. Concubinage is a traditional form of sexual slavery in many cultures, where women spend their lives in sexual slavery. In some cultures, concubines and their children have different rights and legitimate social positions.

The Vienna Declaration and Program of Action called for international efforts to eradicate sexual slavery as human rights abuses. The incidence of sexual slavery by the state has been studied and tabulated by UNESCO, with the cooperation of various international institutions.

Video Sexual slavery


The Rome Statute (1998) (which defines crimes in which the International Criminal Court may have jurisdiction) includes crimes against humanity (Article 7) which include "enslavement" (Article 7.1.c) and "sexual slavery" (Article 7.1 g.) committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population ". It also defines sexual slavery as a war crime and violation of the Geneva Conventions when committed during international armed conflicts (Article 8.b.xxii) and indirectly in internal armed conflict under Article (8.c.ii), but the jurisdiction of the courts for war crimes explicitly excluded from including crimes committed during "situations of internal distress and tension, such as riots, isolated and sporadic acts of violence or other similar acts" (Article 8.d).

The text of the Rome Statute does not explicitly define sexual slavery, but defines slavery as "the exercise of any or all of the forces attached to the right of ownership of a person and includes the exercise of that power in the course of trafficking in persons, especially women and children" (Section 7.2.c).

In comments on the Rome Statute, Mark Klamberg stated:

Sexual slavery is a special form of slavery that includes restrictions on one's autonomy, freedom of movement and the power to decide matters relating to one's sexual activity. Thus, the crime also includes forced marriage, domestic helpers or other forced labor which ultimately involves forced sexual activity. Unlike the crime of rape, which is a total offense, sexual slavery is a continuous violation.... Forms of sexual slavery can, for example, be practices such as the detention of women in "rape camps" or "comfort stations", imposing temporary "marriages" to soldiers and other practices involving the treatment of women as merchandise, and thus , a violation of peremptory norms that prohibit slavery.

Maps Sexual slavery


Commercial sexual exploitation for adults

Commercial sexual exploitation of adults (often referred to as "the sex trade") is a type of human trafficking that involves hiring, transporting, transferring, storing or receiving persons, in coercive or abusive ways for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Commercial sexual exploitation is not the only form of human trafficking and estimates vary for the percentage of human trafficking that aims to bring a person into sexual slavery.

BBC News cited a report by UNODC as the list of the most common destinations for trafficking victims in 2007 such as Thailand, Japan, Israel, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Turkey and the US. The report lists Thailand, China, Nigeria, Albania, Bulgaria, Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine as the main sources of trafficked persons.

Commercial sexual exploitation of children

Commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) includes child prostitution (or child sex trafficking), child sex tourism, child pornography, or other forms of transactions with children. Youth Advocate Program International (YAPI) describes CSEC as a form of coercion and violence against children and contemporary forms of slavery.

The Declaration of the World Congress Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, held in Stockholm in 1996, defines CSEC as, "adult sexual harassment and remuneration in cash or possessions to children or to third persons or persons." The child is treated as a sexual object and as a commercial object ".

Child prostitution

Child prostitution, or child sex trafficking, is a form of sexual slavery. This is a commercial sexual exploitation of children, in which a child conducts prostitution services, usually for adult financial gain.

Indian federal police said in 2009 that they believed about 1.2 million children in India were involved in prostitution. The CBI statement says that research and surveys sponsored by the Ministry of Women and Child Development are estimated at about 40% of Indian prostitutes to become children.

The Thai Health Systems Research Institute reports that children in prostitution constitute 40% of prostitutes in Thailand.

In some parts of the world, child prostitution is tolerated or ignored by the authorities. Reflecting the prevailing stance in many developing countries, a judge from Honduras said, on condition of anonymity: "If the victim [child prostitute] is older than 12, if she refuses to file a complaint and if the parent clearly benefits from their child's trade, tend to look the other way ".

Child sex tourism

Child sex tourism is a form of child sex trade, and is primarily centered on buying and selling children into sexual slavery. This is when adults go to a foreign country for the purpose of engaging in commercially facilitated child sexual abuse. Child sex tourism produces mental and physical consequences for exploited children, which may include "diseases (including HIV/AIDS), drug addiction, pregnancy, malnutrition, social exclusion and possibly death", according to the US State Department. Union. Thailand, Cambodia, India, Brazil, and Mexico have been identified as major centers of child sexual exploitation.

Child pornography

Child pornography, sometimes referred to as 'child abuse images', refers to images or films depicting explicit sexual activity involving a child. Thus, child pornography is often a visual record of child sexual abuse. Child abuse occurs during the sexual actions photographed in the production of child pornography, and the effects of child abuse (and continue to maturity) are exacerbated by the extensive distribution and lasting availability of harassment photographs.

Child sex trafficking often involves child pornography. Children are generally bought and sold for sexual purposes without the knowledge of parents. In this case, children are often used to produce child pornography, especially sadistic forms of child pornography where they may be tortured.

forced prostitution

Most, if not all, forms of forced prostitution can be viewed as a kind of sexual slavery. The terms "forced prostitution" and "forced prostitution" appear in international and humanitarian conventions but are not understood and applied inconsistently. "Forcible prostitution" generally refers to the conditions of control over a person who is forced by others to engage in sexual activity.

The issue of consent in prostitution is fiercely debated. Opinions in places like Europe have been divided into the question of whether prostitution should be regarded as a free choice or as exploitative inherent to women. The laws in Sweden, Norway, and Iceland - where it is illegal to pay for sex but not to sell sexual services - are based on the notion that all forms of prostitution are exploitative, contrary to the notion that prostitution can be voluntary. Conversely, prostitution is a recognized profession in countries such as the Netherlands and Germany.

In 1949 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention for the Persecution of Trafficking in Persons and the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others (Convention 1949). The 1949 Convention superseded a number of previous conventions that included some aspects of forced prostitution. Signatories are required with three obligations under the 1949 Convention: trade restrictions, special administrative and enforcement measures, and social measures directed at trafficked persons. The 1949 Convention presents two shifts in the perspective of trade problems because it views the prostitute as a victim of the plaintiffs, and thus keeps the term "white slave traffic" and "female," using for the first time race and gender-neutral language. Article 1 of the 1949 Convention provides penalties for anyone who "rocures, withdraws or directs away, for the purpose of prostitution, others" or "[e] xploits the prostitution of others, even with the consent of that person." To comply with the provisions of the Convention 1949, trade does not need to cross international lines.

Forced marriage

Forced marriage is a marriage in which one or both participants are married, without their free consent. Forced marriage is a form of sexual slavery. Causes for forced marriage include customs such as bride price and dowry; poverty; importance is given to premarital female virginity; "family honor"; the fact that marriage is considered in a particular community is a social arrangement between the bride and groom's family; education and limited economic options; perceived protection from cultural or religious traditions; help immigration. Forced marriage is the most common in parts of South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.

Crime against humanity

The Statute of Explanation The Rome Statute, which defines the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, recognizes rape, sexual slavery, forced prostitution, coercion of pregnancy, forced sterilization, "or other forms of sexual violence with comparable gravity" as a crime against humanity if action is part of widespread practice systematic. Sexual slavery was first recognized as a crime against humanity when the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia issued an arrest warrant under the Geneva Conventions and War or War Customs or War Offenses. In particular, recognized that Muslim women in Fo? A (southeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina) was subjected to widespread and systematic rape, torture and sexual slavery by Bosnian Serb soldiers, police and paramilitary group members after the city's takeover in April 1992. The indictment has a great legal significance and is the first time that sexual violence was investigated for prosecution under the rubric of torture and slavery as a crime against humanity. The indictment was confirmed by a 2001 ruling by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia that rape and sexual slavery were a crime against humanity. This ruling challenged the widespread acceptance of rape and female sexual slavery as an intrinsic part of the war. The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia found three Bosnian Serb men guilty of rape of Bosnian women and daughters - some as young as 12 and 15 years - in Fo? A, Bosnia and Herzegovina east. The charge was brought as a crime against humanity and war crimes. In addition, two of the men were found guilty of crimes against humanity from sexual slavery for detaining women and girls held captive in a number of de facto detention centers. Many of the women then disappeared.

In areas controlled by Muslim militants, non-Muslim women are enslaved in occupied territories. Many Islamists see the abolition of slavery as imposed on Muslims by the West and want to revive the practice of slavery. (See: Slavery in 21st Century Islamism).

Brides kidnapping and raptio

Bride abductions, also known as marriages by abduction or marriage by prisoners, are forms of forced marriage committed in some traditional cultures. Bride abductions have been reported in countries covering Central Asia, the Caucasus region, parts of Africa, and among the Hmongs in Southeast Asia, Tzeltal in Mexico, and Romani in Europe. Although the motivations behind bridal abductions vary by region, the tradition with tradition of marriage with abduction is generally patriarchal with a strong social stigma against sex or unmarried pregnancies and illegitimate births. However, in many cases, people who choose to capture wives often have lower social status, either because of poverty, illness, bad character or crime. In some cases, couples colluded together to elope in the guise of a bridal abduction, presenting their parents with a fait accompli. These people are sometimes hindered from being legitimately looking for a wife because of the expected payment of the female family, the bride price (not to be confused with the dowry, paid by the female family).

The bride's abduction is distinguished from raptio in which the first refers to the abduction of one woman by one man (and/or his friends and relatives), and is often a widespread and sustainable practice. The latter refers to the massive abduction of women by men's groups, most often in wartime (see also war rape). The Latin term raptio refers to the abduction of women, whether for marriage (by abduction or elopement) or slavery (especially sexual slavery). In Roman Catholic canon law, raptio refers to a ban on marriage law if the bride is abducted by force (Canon 1089 CIC).

The practice of raptio is thought to have existed since anthropological antiquity. In Neolithic Europe, the excavation of the Linear Pottery site in Asparn-Schletz, Austria, found the remains of the murdered victims. Among them, young adult women and children are clearly underrepresented, suggesting that perhaps the assailants had killed men but kidnapped young women.

During armed conflict and war

Rape and sexual violence have accompanied warfare in almost every known historical era. Before the 19th century, the military supports the idea that all people, including women and children who are not armed, is still an enemy, with the belligerents (nation or people involved in the conflict) who have conquered their rights. "For the winner, the booty" has been a war call for centuries and women were included as part of the spoils of war. The institutionalization of sexual slavery and prostitution imposed has been documented in a number of wars, especially the Second World War (See #During the Second World War) and in the War on Bosnia.

SexualSlavery on

Historical case


Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire

Hiring female slaves and sometimes men for prostitution is common in the Hellenistic and Roman worlds. References are sufficient in literature, law, military reports and art. A prostitute (slave or free) exists outside the moral codex that limits sexuality in Greco-Roman society and enjoys little legal protection. See the ancient Roman law of rape as an example. The relationship of men to a slave is not considered adultery by society.


During Chinese dominance in Vietnam, Vietnamese girls are sold as sex slaves to China. Great trade flourished where indigenous Vietnamese girls were enslaved and brought north to China. The Yue South girls are sexually reflected in Chinese literature and in poems written by Chinese exiled to the south.

In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Portuguese visitors and crew members of the (and sometimes African) Latvian troops in South Asia were often involved in slavery in Japan, where they bought or arrested young Japanese women and girls, used as sexual slaves on their ships or taken to Macau and other Portuguese colonies in Southeast Asia, America and India. For example, in Goa, a Portuguese colony in India, there were slave communities and Japanese merchants during the late 16th and 17th centuries.

During the 1662 Siege of Fort Zeelandia where Chinese Ming loyalists commanded by Koxinga besieged and defeated the Dutch East India Company and conquered Taiwan, the Chinese took on Dutch women and children of prisoners. Dutch missionary Antonius Hambroek, his two daughters, and his wife were among the Dutch prisoners of war with Koxinga. Koxinga sends Hambroek to Fort Zeelandia demanding he persuade them to surrender or otherwise, Hambroek will be killed when he returns. Hambroek returned to Fort, where his two other daughters were. He urges Fort not to give up, and returns to Koxinga camp. He was later executed by beheading, and in addition, there were rumors spreading among the Chinese that the Dutch encouraged the natives of Taiwan to kill the Chinese, so Koxinga ordered the mass execution of male prisoners in retaliation, in addition to some women and children, children are also killed. Dutch women and children who were alive then turned into slaves. Koxinga took Hambroek's teenage daughter as a concubine, and Dutch women were sold to Chinese soldiers to become their wives, the journal daily Dutch fortress noted that "the best preserved for the use of commanders, and then sold to the general army. Glad he fell to many men who have not yet married, and therefore liberated from resentment by Chinese women, who are very jealous of their husbands. "In 1684, some of these Dutch wives were still Chinese prisoners. Some of the Dutch physics looks like red and red hairs among people in the southern region of Taiwan is a consequence of this Dutch woman's episode being a concubine for Chinese commanders. The Chinese took Dutch women as slaves and slave wives and they were never released: in 1684 some were reported to live, in Quemoy a Dutch merchant was contacted with arrangements to free the prisoners put forward by a Koxinga's son, but that came nothing- What. The Chinese officers used the Dutch women they received as concubines. Dutch woman used for sexual pleasure by Koxinga commander. This Dutch woman's event was distributed to Chinese soldiers and commanders recorded in the fortress daily journal. A teenage daughter of Dutch missionary Anthonius Hambroek became a concubine for Koxinga, he was described by Dutch commander Caeuw as "a very sweet and pleasant girl". Dutch accounts record this Chinese event taking Dutch women as concubines and Hambroek daughter date

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, there were Chinese prostitutes trafficked to cities like Singapore, and a separate network of Japanese prostitutes trafficked across Asia, in countries such as China, Japan, Korea, Singapore and British India, in what became known as 'Yellow Slave Traffic'. There is also a network of prostitutes from continental Europe who were trafficked to India, Ceylon, Singapore, China and Japan at about the same time, in what came to be known as 'White Slave Traffic'. Karayuki-san ( ????? , literally "Ms. Gone-to-China" but actually means Ms. Gone Abroad ") is Japanese girls and women in the late 19th and early 20th centuries traded from the poverty-stricken agricultural prefecture of Japan to destinations in East Asia, Southeast Asia, Siberia (Far Eastern Russia), Manchuria and British India to serve as prostitutes and men men who are sexually abused from various races, including Chinese, European, native to Southeast Asia, etc. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, there was a network of Japanese prostitutes trafficked across Asia, in countries such as China, Japan , Korea, Singapore and British India, in what came to be known as 'Yellow Slave Traffic' The main purposes of karayuki-san include China (mainly Shanghai), Hong Kong, Philippines, Borneo, Sumatra, Thailand , Indonesia, and the western United States (especially San Francisco).They are often sent to the Western colonies of Asia where there was strong demand from Western military personnel and Chinese men. The experience of Japanese prostitutes in China was written in a book by a Japanese woman, Tomoko Yamazaki. Japanese girls are easily trafficked abroad because Korean and Chinese ports do not require Japanese citizens to use passports and the Japanese government realizes that the money earned by karayuki-san helped the Japanese economy ever since it was being resent, and the Chinese boycott of Japanese products in Japan. 1919 causes dependence on income from karayuki-san. Because the Japanese consider the non-Westerners to be inferior, the Japanese women karayuki-san feel humiliated because they are mainly Chinese men who are sexually or native to Southeast Asia. The native inhabitants of Borneo, Malaysia, China, Japan, France, America, England and men from every race take advantage of Japanese whores in Sandakan. A Japanese woman named Osaki says that men, Japanese, Chinese, whites and natives, are handled equally by prostitutes irrespective of race, and that the "most disgusting customers" Japanese prostitutes are Japanese, while they use "good enough." "To describe the Chinese man, and English and American are the second best clients, while the native man is the best and fastest to have sex with him.

During World War II, the Japanese Empire organized a government system of "comfort women", which is a military sex slave euphemism for about 200,000, mostly Korean, Chinese, and Filipino women who were forced into sexual slavery in the "comfort" of Japanese military stations "during World War II Japan collected, brought, and imprisoned Asian women and colluded to have sexual intercourse with Japanese soldiers during their invasion of East Asia and Southeast Asia Some Korean women claimed that these cases should be judged by an international tribunal as child sex offenses Lawsuits have been made because of the victims' anger at what they see as the injustice of existing legal measures and the rejection of Japanese involvement in child sex slavery and kidnapping On December 28, 2015, Japan and South Korea agreed that Japan would pay 1 billion yen into funding for Memorial Hall of comfort women. Despite this agreement, some Korean victims complained that they were not consulted during the negotiation process. They demanded that Japan and Korea not seek legal recognition for their claims and revised Japanese history textbooks.

Arab slave trading

Slave trade, including the sex slave trade, fluctuated in certain areas of the Middle East until the 20th century. These slaves are mostly from Sub-Saharan Africa (mainly Zanj ), Caucasus (especially Circasia), Central Asia (especially Sogdiana) and Central and Eastern Europe (especially Saqaliba >). The Barbary pirates also captured 1.25 million slaves from Western Europe between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries.

Unlike the Atlantic slave trade in which the male-female ratio is 2: 1 or 3: 1, the Arab slave trade usually has a higher woman: male opposite ratio, indicating a common preference for female slaves. Concubinage and reproduction serve as an incentive to import female slaves (often European), although many are also imported primarily to perform household chores.

White Slavery

In the English-speaking nations of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the phrase "white slavery" was used to refer to the sexual slavery of white women. This is mainly related to the accounts of women enslaved in the Middle East harem, as it is called the beauty of the Circassian people. The phrase was gradually used as a euphemism for prostitution. The phrase is very common in the context of the exploitation of minors, with the implication that young children and women in such circumstances are not free to determine their own destiny.

In Great Britain Victoria, campaign journalist William Thomas Stead, editor of Pall Mall Gazette purchased a 13-year-old girl for £ 5, an amount equal to the peasants' monthly wage (see i/Eliza Armstrong). The moral panic over "traffic in women" rose to its peak in England in the 1880s. At that time, "white slavery" was a natural target for defenders of public morality and crusading journalists. The subsequent disappointment led to the exclusion of anti-slavery legislation in Parliament. Parliament passed the Criminal Amendment Law of 1885, increasing the age of consent from thirteen to sixteen that year.

The next fear occurred in the United States in the early twentieth century, culminating in 1910, when US lawyer Chicago announced (without giving details) that an international crime ring kidnapped young girls in Europe, imported it, and forced them to work in Chicago. brothel. These claims, and their panic inflamed, led to the passage of the United States White Slavery Traffic Act of 1910, commonly known as the "Mann Act". It also prohibits transportation among women for immoral purposes. The main purpose is to overcome prostitution and immorality.

Immigration control officers at Ellis Island in New York City responsible for questioning and filtering European prostitutes from US immigration inspectors expressed frustration over the ineffectiveness of questions in determining whether a European woman was a prostitute, and claimed that many were "lying" and "framing a skilled response "to their question. They are also accused of negligence if they receive the fictitious address of an immigrant or receive an incomplete response. Inspector Helen Bullis investigated several assignment homes in the Tenderloin district of New York, and found a brothel there in the early 20th century in New York City. He compiled lists of prostitutes, their owners, and their "inmates". The director of the New York inspection wrote the report in 1907, defended against allegations of negligence, saying there was no sensitivity to the public "panic", and he did everything he could to screen European immigrants for prostitution, especially unmarried ones. In a report by the Commissary General of Immigration in 1914, the Commissioner said that many prostitutes would deliberately marry American men for citizenship. He said that for prostitutes, it's "not a difficult task to secure bad citizens who will marry a prostitute" from Europe.


In the early 1490s, Christopher Columbus established a sex slave trade in Hispaniola that included a sex slave as young as nine years old. In 25 years of colonization, the Hispaniola indigenous population declined, died from slavery, slaughter or disease.

From the beginning of African slavery in the North American colonies, white people took slaves of African women who were enslaved as concubines or occasional mistresses. As the population increases, slave women may be exploited by white controllers, younger peasant boys before they marry, and other white men associated with slave owners. Some are sold to brothels.

PlaÃÆ'§age , a formal system of concubinage among female slaves or colored people, developed in Louisiana and especially New Orleans in the 18th century. Racially mixed young women (considered highly desirable) will receive dowries or property as part of a related settlement their mothers negotiate with white men. Fathers often pay for the education of their mixed race children born from these associations, especially sons, who may be educated in France and enter the army. In recent years, at least three historians ( viz. Kenneth Aslakson, Emily Clark, and Carol Schlueter) have challenged the historicity of the quadroon sphere and have referred to the institution of PlaÃÆ'§age as a "myth".

But Paul Heinegg's research shows that most of the mixed racial black families in the 1790-1810 census came from a union between an independent white woman and an African man, whether free slave or slave, obliged, taking place in colonial Virginia. It had half the slaves in the colony at the time of the Revolution. In the early colonial period, the working class of slaves and slaves were obliged to work and live together.

From the 17th century, Virginia and other colonies passed laws that determined the social status of children born in the colony. Under English common law in England, children of two English subjects take father's status. But Africans are never considered English subjects. To resolve the issue of the status of children born in the colony, Virginia passed a law in 1662 that decided that children would take their mother's status at birth, under the Roman legal principle known as the partus sequitur ventrem.

The term "white slave" is sometimes used for mixed slaves or mulattoes which have a very high proportion of European ancestors. Among the most prominent at the turn of the 19th century was Sally Hemings, who was 3/4 white and believed by historians to be the half-sister of Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson by their father, John Wayles. Hemings is known for having four surviving children from his decades of concubinage with President Thomas Jefferson; they are 7/8 Europeans by ancestors. Three of these mixed race children passed easily into white society as adults (Jefferson freed them all - two informally and two in his will). Three of his grandmothers whom Hemings served as whites in the Union Regular Army in the American Civil War; John Wayles Jefferson advanced to the rank of colonel.

Not all white fathers leave their slave children; some give them education, apprenticeship, or capital; some rich planters send their mixed race boys to the North for education and sometimes for freedom. Some men free both slave slaves and their mixed-race children, especially within 20 years after the American Revolution, but the southern legislature makes such forgiveness more difficult. Both Mary Chesnut and Fanny Kemble wrote in the 19th century about the scandals of white people who have their lovers and natural mixed race children as part of their extended family. Many mixed race families started before the Civil War, and many originated in the Upper South.

After the slaves were released, many countries passed an anti-marriage law, which prohibited inter-race marriages between whites and non-whites. But this does not stop white men from taking sexual advantage of black women by using their social position of power under the Jim Crow system and white supremacy, or in other parts of the country with the usual power and rich dynamics. For example, in 20th century politician Strom Thurmond at the age of 21 had sexual intercourse with a 16-year-old maid at her parents' home and she became pregnant. She did give support for their daughter. The girl was officially raised by her aunt and uncle, not learning about her biological parents until she was in her late teens. He meets Thurmond, but does not say publicly about his status as his daughter until after Thurmond's death. With the consent of his family, his name was added as one of his children in his memorial.

Zora Neale Hurston writes about contemporary sexual practices in his anthropological research in the 1930s at the North Florida camps. He notes that white men with power often force black women into sexual relationships.

Though he never referred to the practice as "companion right," the author C. Arthur Ellis calls this term fictional Hurston in his book, Zora Hurston and the Strange Case of Ruby McCollum. The same character confirms that the paramedic death bell of death was sounded by the trial of Ruby McCollum, a black woman who killed Dr. C. Leroy Adams, in Live Oak, Florida, in 1952. He said that he forced her to have sex and give birth to her child. Hurston's journalist covered the McCollum trial in 1952 for the Pittsburgh Courier.

The Chinese female Tanka is sold from Guangzhou to work as a prostitute for the overseas Chinese male community in the United States. During the California Gold Rush in the late 1840s, Chinese merchants transported thousands of young Chinese girls, including babies, from China to the United States. They sold the girls to sexual slavery in the San Francisco red light district. Girls can be bought for $ 40 (about $ 1104 in 2013 dollars) in Guangzhou and sell for $ 400 (about $ 11,040 in 2013 dollars) in the United States. Many of these girls are forced into opium addiction and live their lives as prostitutes.

During the Second World War

German during World War II

During World War II, the Germans established brothels in the Nazi concentration camp (Lagerbordell). The women forced to work in this brothel originated from the RavensbrÃÆ'¼ck concentration camp, the Soldier brothel (Wehrmachtsbordell) usually arranged in well-established brothels or in hotels seized by Germany. Wehrmacht leaders became interested in running their own brothel when sexually transmitted diseases among soldiers. In controlled brothels, women are often screened for avoiding and treating sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

It is estimated that at least 34,140 women from occupied countries were forced to work as prostitutes during the Third Reich. In occupied Europe, local women are often forced into prostitution. On 3 May 1941, the Foreign Ministry of the Polish government in exile issued a document explaining the Nazi mass raids carried out in Polish cities aimed at arresting young women, who were then forced to work in brothels used by German soldiers and officers. Women often try to escape from such facilities, with at least one mass escape known to have been attempted by women in Norway.

Japan during World War II

"Entertainer women" are examples of widely publicized sexual slavery. The term refers to women, from occupied countries, who were forced to serve as sex slaves in Japanese army camps during World War II. Estimates vary for how many women are involved, with rates ranging from as low as 20,000 from some Japanese scholars to as high as 410,000 from some Chinese scholars. The numbers are still being researched and debated. The majority of women are drawn from Korea, China, and other occupied territories part of the Joint Prosperity Area of ​​East Asia Greater. They are often recruited with kidnappings or fraud to serve as sex slaves. Sometimes women are raped to death, or killed by torture, such as cutting their breasts or opening their stomach crevices. Each slave was reportedly raped "an average of 10 rape per day (considered by some as low estimates), for a five-day workweek, this figure can be extrapolated to estimate that every 'comfort girl' is raped about 50 times per week or 2,500 times per For three years the service - on average - an entertainer girl will be raped 7,500 times. "(Parker, 1995 UN Commission on Human Rights)

Chuo University Professor Yoshiaki Yoshimi says there are about 2,000 centers where as many as 200,000 Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Filipino, Taiwanese, Burmese, Indonesian, Dutch and Australian women are interned and used as sex slaves.

After World War II


Recreation and Entertainment Association ( ???????? , Tokushu Ian Shisetsu Ky ? The Kai (Special Leisure Facilities Association) ( RAA ) is the largest organization established by the Japanese government to provide organized prostitution and other recreational facilities to occupy Allied forces immediately after the War World II.

RAA set up its first brothel on 28 August: Komachien in? Mori. In December 1945, RAA had 34 facilities, 16 of which were "convenience stations". The total number of prostitutes employed by the RAA reached 55,000 at its peak.

Dissolution of prostitution makes it difficult for GHQ to control STIs and also causes an increase in rape by GI, from an average of 40 days before SCAP orders to about 330 per day soon thereafter.

During the Korean War

During the Korean War, the South Korean military instituted a "special comfort unit" similar to that used by the Japanese military during World War II, kidnapped and pressured some North Korean women into sexual slavery. Until very recently, very little was known about this apart from the testimony of retired generals and soldiers who fought in the war. In February 2002, Korean sociologist Kim Kwi-ok wrote the first scientific paper about Korean entertainers through official records.

South Korea's "comfort" system is organized around three operations. First, there is a "special comfort unit" called T'uksu Wiandae (?????, ?????), which is operated from seven different stations. Secondly, there are female entertainer mobile units that visit the barracks. Third, there are prostitutes who work in private brothels employed by the military. While it remains unclear how the recruitment of women entertainers is organized in the South, South Korean agents are known to have abducted some women from the North.

According to anthropologist Chunghee Sarah Soh, the use of South Korean military entertainers has resulted in "almost no public response," despite the support of women's movements in the country for Korean entertainers inside the Japanese military. Both Kim and Soh argue that this system is a legacy of Japanese occupation, as many of the Korean army leadership is trained by the Japanese military. The Korean and Japanese military refer to these comfort women as "military supplies" in official documents and personal memoirs. The South Korean armed forces also use the same argument with the Japanese military to justify the use of consolation women, viewing them as "necessary social evil" that would increase soldier morale and prevent rape.

Sex Slavery in America Documentary 2017 - Sex-trafficked in the ...


The official estimate of individuals in sexual slavery worldwide varies. In 2001, the International Organization for Migration estimates 400,000, the Federal Bureau of Investigation estimates 700,000 and UNICEF estimates 1.75 million.


In Africa, colonial powers eradicated slavery in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. However, in areas outside their jurisdiction, such as the Mahdi kingdom in Sudan, practice continues to grow. Institutional slavery has been banned all over the world, but there are many reports of female sex slaves in areas without effective government control, such as Sudan, Liberia, Sierra Leone, northern Uganda, Congo, Niger and Mauritania. In Ghana, Togo and Benin, a form of religious prostitution known as trokosi ("ritual of slavery") forcibly created thousands of girls and women in traditional shrines as "wives of the gods", in which the priests perform sexual function in the place of the gods.

In April 2014, Boko Haram abducted 276 female students from Chibok, Borno. More than 50 of them immediately fled, but the rest have not been released yet. Instead Shekau, who has a $ 7 million prize offered by the US State Department since June 2013 for information leading to his arrest, announces his intention to sell them into slavery.


The San Francisco Chronicle reported in 2006 that in the 21st century, women, mostly from South America, Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, were trafficked to the United States for the purpose of sexual slavery.. A 2006 ABC News story states that, contrary to the existing misconceptions, American citizens may also be forced into sex slaves.

In 2001 the US Department of State estimated that between 50,000 and 100,000 women and girls were trafficked each year to the United States. In 2003, the State Department report estimated that a total of 18,000 to 20,000 people were trafficked to the United States for forced or sexual exploitation. The June 2004 report estimates total trade annually between 14,500 and 17,500. The Bush administration established 42 Justice Department task forces and spent more than $ 150 million on efforts to reduce human trafficking. However, within seven years since the law was enacted, the government has identified only 1,362 trafficking victims brought to the United States since 2000, a place near 50,000 or more per year estimated by the government.

The Girl's Education & amp; The Mentoring Service (GEMS), a New York-based organization, claims that the majority of girls in the sex trade are abused as children. Poverty and lack of education play a major role in the lives of many women in the sex industry.

According to a report by the University of Pennsylvania, anywhere from 100,000 to 300,000 American children at any given time may be at risk of exploitation due to factors such as drug use, homelessness, or other factors associated with an increased risk of commercial sexual exploitation. However, the report emphasizes, "The figures presented in this exhibition do not, therefore, reflect the true number of CSEC cases in the United States, but, more precisely, what we expect to be the number of sexually risky 'children' exploitation."

The 2010 People Trafficking Report describes the United States as, "the source, transit, and destination country for men, women and children targeted by human trafficking, particularly for forced labor, debt bondage, and forced prostitution." Sexual slavery in the United States can take many forms and in many places. Sex trafficking in the United States can be present in Asian massage parlors, Mexican cantina bars, brothels of residence, or prostitution stuck in the streets. The anti-trafficking community of people in the United States is debating the level of sexual slavery. Some groups argue that exploitation is inherent in commercial sex acts, while other groups take a rigorous approach to defining sexual slavery, considering the element of force, deception or coercion necessary for existing sex slavery.

Prostitutes in illegal massage parlors may be forced to work outside the apartment complex for hours every day. Many clients may not realize that some women who work in this sex massage parlor have actually been forced into prostitution. Women can initially be lured to the United States under false pretenses. In large debt to their 'owners', they are forced to make enough money to finally "buy" their freedom. In some cases, sex trafficked women may be forced to undergo plastic surgery or abortion. A chapter in The Slave Next Door (2009) reports that trafficking and sexual slavery are not limited to specific locations or social classes. It concludes that individuals in society need to be vigilant to report suspicious behavior, since psychological and physical violence occurs which can often make the victim unable to escape on his own.

In 2000 Congress created the Victims of Trade and Protection of Violence Act with strict punishment for sex traders. This provides the possibility for ex-sex slaves to obtain a T-1 visa. To obtain a female visa should, "prove they are enslaved by 'force, deception or coercion'." Visa allows former victims of sex trafficking to stay in the United States for 3 years and then apply for a green card.

The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (FLDS) has been suspected of trafficking minors across the state, as well as crossing the US-Canada and US-Mexico borders, for the purposes of occasional plural marriage and sexual harassment. FLDS was allegedly by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for trading over 30 underage girls from Canada to the United States between the late 1990s and 2006 for inclusion in polygamous marriages. RCMP spokesman Dan Moskaluk said about FLDS activities: "Basically, it is human trafficking in connection with forbidden sexual activity." According to Vancouver Sun, it is not clear whether Canada's anti-human trafficking legislation can be effectively implemented against pre-2005 FLDS activities, since the law may not be retroactively applicable. Investigations three years earlier by local authorities in British Columbia into allegations of sexual harassment, trafficking and forced marriage by FLDS resulted in no cost, but resulted in legislative changes. Former members of the FLDS also alleged that the sect's child's children were forced into sexual acts as children in older men while unable to leave. This has been described by many former members as sexual slavery, and reportedly like that by the Sydney Morning Herald. A former resident of Yearning for Zion, Kathleen Mackert, stated: "I was asked to do oral sex with my father when I was seven years old, and it increased from there. "


In January 2010, the Supreme Court of India stated that India "became the center" for large-scale child prostitution rackets. This suggests the establishment of a specialized investigative agency to address the growing problem.

An article on the Rescue Foundation in New Internationalist magazine states that "according to Save the Children India, clients now prefer girls 10 to 12 years old". The same article attributes the increasing number of prostitutes believed to be HIV in Indian brothels as a factor in India being the second largest number of people living with HIV/AIDS in the world, behind South Africa.

In 2007, the Ministry of Women and Child Development estimated that there were about 2.8 million sex workers in India, with 35 percent of them entering the trade before the age of 18. The number of prostitutes has also doubled in the past decade. One news article stated that about 200,000 Nepali girls have been trafficked to red light areas in India. Nepalese women and girls, especially virgins, are reportedly favored in India for their beautiful skin and youthful appearance. One report estimates that every year between 5,000 and 7,000 Nepali girls are trafficked to red-light districts in Indian cities, and that many of the girls may be 9 or 10 years old.

In Pakistan, young girls have been sold by their families to big city brothel owners. Often this happens because of poverty or debt, where the family has no other way of raising money than selling the young girl. Cases have also been reported where his wives and sisters were sold to brothels to raise money for gambling, drinking or drug addiction. Sex slaves are also reportedly bought by 'agents' in Afghanistan who trick young girls into coming to Pakistan for high-paying jobs. Once in Pakistan they are taken to brothels (called kharabat ) and forced into sexual slavery, some over the years. The bearded boys in Afghanistan can be sold as bacha bazi for use in dancing and prostitution (pederasti), and sometimes worth tens of thousands of dollars.

In Thailand, the Health Systems Research Institute reported in 2005 that children in prostitution account for 40% of Thai prostitutes. It is said that the proportion of prostitutes over the age of 18, including most foreign nationals from Myanmar, Yunnan province of China, Laos and Cambodia, is also in a state of sexual forced. In 1996, police in Bangkok estimated that there were at least 5,000 Russian prostitutes working in Thailand, many of whom had arrived through networks controlled by Russian gangs. The Tourism Police Bureau in 1997 stated that there were 500 Chinese women and 200 European women in prostitution in Bangkok, many of whom entered Thailand illegally, often through Burma and Laos. Previous reports, however, show different numbers. (Police Colonel Sanit Meephan, deputy head of the Tourism Police Bureau, "Thai popular insult to foreign prostitutes", The Nation , January 15, 1997)

Part of the challenge of measuring and eliminating sexual slavery in Thailand and Asia is generally the high level of police corruption in the region. There are documented cases where Thai law enforcement officials and other areas work with human traffickers, even to the extent of returning sex slaves of children who fled to brothels.

Rohingya ethnic women abducted by Myanmar military and used as sex slaves Many Rohingya women detained in a human trafficking transit camp in Padang Besar, Thailand, are treated like sex slaves.


In the Netherlands, the Netherlands Reporting Bureau on Trafficking in 2005 estimated that there were 1,000 to 7,000 trafficking victims per year. Most police investigations relate to the legal sex business, with all sectors of prostitution well represented, but with highly represented brothels. The Dutch Expatica news website reports that in 2008, there were 809 trafficking victims registered in the Netherlands; of 763 were women and at least 60 percent of them were reportedly forced to work in the sex industry. Of the reported victims, people from Hungary were all women and all were forced into prostitution.

In Germany, trafficking of women from Eastern Europe is often organized by people from the same region. German authorities identified 676 victims of the sex trade in 2008, compared to 689 in 2007. The German Federal Police Service BKA reported in 2006 a total of 357 complete investigations into trafficking, with 775 victims. Thirty-five percent of the suspects are Germans born in Germany and 8% are Germans born outside Germany.

In Greece, according to NGO estimates in 2008, there may be a total of 13,000-14,000 trafficking victims of all kinds in the country at any given time. Major countries of origin of trafficking victims were brought to Greece including Nigeria, Ukraine, Russia, Bulgaria, Albania, Moldova, Romania and Belarus.

In Switzerland, police estimated in 2006 that there could be about 1,500 and 3,000 victims of all trafficking types. Organizers and their victims generally come from Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Ukraine, Moldova, Lithuania, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Thailand and Cambodia, and, to a lesser extent, Africa.

In Belgium, in 2007, prosecutors handled a total of 418 trade cases, including 219 economic exploitation and 168 cases of sexual exploitation. In the same year, the federal judicial police handled 196 trade files, compared to 184 in 2006. In 2007 police arrested 342 people for smuggling and trafficking crimes. A recent report by the RiskMonitor foundation estimates that 70% of prostitutes working in Belgium come from Bulgaria.

In Austria, Vienna has the largest number of reported trafficking cases, although trade is also a problem in urban centers such as Graz, Linz, Salzburg, and Innsbruck. NGO Lateinamerikanische Frauen at Oesterreich-Interventionsstelle fuer Betroffene des Frauenhandels (LEFOE-IBF) reported helping 108 victims of all trafficking types in 2006, down from 151 in 2005.

In Spain, in 2007, officials identified 1,035 victims of sex trafficking and 445 trafficking victims.

Middle East

The Trafficking in Persons Report 2007 of the US State Department says that sexual slavery exists in Arab countries in the Persian Gulf, where women and children can be trafficked from post-Soviet countries, Eastern Europe, Far East, Africa, South. Asia or other parts of the Middle East.

According to media reports from late 2014, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) sell Yazidi and Christian women as slaves. According to Haleh Esfandiari of Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, after ISIL militants have seized an area "[t] hey usually take older women to temporary slave markets and try to sell them." In mid-October 2014, the United States estimated that 5,000 to 7,000 Yazidi women and children were kidnapped by ISIL and sold into slavery.

In the digital magazine Dabiq , ISIL claims religious justification for enslaving Yazidi women whom they consider to be heretical. ISIL claims that Yazidi is an idolater and their enslavement is part of the ancient shariah practices of booty. ISIL appeals to apocalyptic belief and "claims justification by a Hadith which they interpret as describing the rise of slavery as a precursor to the end of the world." At the end of September 2014, 126 Islamic scholars from all over the Muslim world signed an open letter to the leader of the Islamic State Abu Bakar al-Baghdadi, rejecting his group's interpretation of the Qur'an and hadith to justify his actions. The letter accuses the group of inciting slander - by instituting slavery under its rule against the consensus of anti-slavery of Islamic scientific societies. At the end of 2014, ISIL released a pamphlet on the treatment of female slaves. In January 2015, further rules for sex slaves were announced.

Selling women and children is still happening in the Middle East. "IS [Islamic State] offers women and minors in a kind of virtual slave market with photographs sold...... The transfer of money, as journalists know, takes place through the liaison office in Turkey". Yazidi women also reported being raped and used as sexual slaves by ISIS members. In November 2015 it was reported that "about 2,000 women and girls are still being bought and sold in ISIS-controlled areas." The youths became sex slaves and older women were beaten and used as house slaves, according to victims and accounts of ISIS militants ".

Distressing footage of sex slaves used by soldiers in World War ...

See also

  • Rape
  • 1921 International Convention for the Suppression of Traffic on Women and Children
  • Child care
  • A comfortable woman
  • Forced Marriage
  • Kippumjo - Sex slave from North Korean ruler
  • Islamic view of slavery # Sexual intercourse
  • Bible and slavery # Sexual and marital slavery
  • Sexism
  • Sexual slavery (BDSM)
  • Sex Exploitation Against Ugandan Refugees

Former Japanese soldier says wartime sex slaves served more than ...


SexualSlavery on

Source cited

  • Askin, Kelly Dawn (1997). War Crimes Against Women: Prosecution at the International War Crimes Tribunal . Publisher Martinus Nijhoff. ISBN: 90-411-0486-0. < span>
  • Manthorpe, Jonathan (2008). Forbidden Nation: A History of Taiwan (illustration ed.). Macmillan. p.Ã, 77. ISBN: 0230614248. Ã,
  • Soh, Sarah (2009). The Comfort Women: Sexual Violence and Postcolonial Memory in Korea and Japan . University Of Chicago Press. ISBN: 0226767779. Ã,

Can Japan lay its 'comfort women' ghosts to rest? | This Week In ...

Further reading

The Male Face Of Sexual Slavery | Fast Forward | OZY

External links

  • Former Prostitutes Say South Korea and US Activate Near-Base Sex Trading -
  • An online resource for sex traffics

Source of the article : Wikipedia
