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Hacking is the practice of free sex often with different partners or indiscriminately in the choice of sexual partners. This term can bring moral judgment if the social ideal for sexual activity is a monogamous relationship. An example of a behavior commonly seen as promiscuous by many cultures is the one-night stand, and this frequency is used by researchers as a marker for promiscuity.

What sexual behavior is considered promiscuous varies between cultures, as does the prevalence of promiscuity. Different standards are often applied to different gender and civil status. Feminists have traditionally argued that there is a significant double standard between how men and women are punished for promiscuity. Historically, promiscuous female stereotypes tend to be negative, such as "whore" or "whore", while male stereotypes have been more varied, some express approval, such as "stud" or "player", while others imply social aberrations, such as "picker woman "or" the masher ". A scientific study published in 2005 found that high moral men and women were also judged equally roughly. However, subsequent research shows evidence for double standards.

Common association occurs in many animal species. Some species have promiscuous mating systems, ranging from polyandry and polygyny to mating systems without a stable relationship where the marriage between two individuals is a one-time event. Many species form stable pair bonds, but still pair with other individuals outside the couple. In biology, the incidence of promiscuity in species that form a pair bond is usually called extra-partner copulation.

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Accurately assessing the sexual behavior of people is difficult, because strong social and personal motivations occur, depending on social sanctions and taboos, whether to minimize or exaggerate reported sexual activity.

American experiments in 1978 and 1982 found that most men were willing to have sex with women they did not know, with an average appeal, who suggested it. No woman, on the contrary, approves such propositions from men with average appeal. While men are generally comfortable with requests, regardless of their willingness ("Why should we wait till tonight?", "[Sorry, I'm married"], the woman replied with shock and disgust ("You must be kidding," wrong with you? leave me alone ").

The number of sexual partners that humans have in their lives varies greatly in a population. A 2007 national survey in the United States found the average number of female sexual partners reported by men was seven and the average number of male partners reported by women was four. Men may overstate the number of reported pairs, women report a lower number than the actual number, or a minority of women have a large enough number than most other women to create a mean that is significantly higher than the median, or all of the above ( see the Pareto principle). About 29% of men and 9% of women are reported to have more than 15 sexual partners in their lives. Studies of the spread of sexually transmitted diseases consistently show a small percentage of the population studied have more couples than the average male or female, and fewer people have fewer than average statistics. An important question in the epidemiology of sexually transmitted infections is whether these groups copulate mostly randomly (with sexual partners of the entire population) or in their social groups (assortative mixtures).

A systematic review of 2006 (analyzing data from 59 countries worldwide) found no association between regional sexual behavior trends, such as number of sexual partners, and sexual health status. More predictive sexual health status are socioeconomic factors such as poverty and mobility. Other studies have shown that people with multiple sex partners are more likely to be diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection.

Severe and impulsive intercourse, along with compulsive impulses for illicit sex with bound individuals are common symptoms of borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder but most individuals do not have this disorder.

Global Study

In 2008, a US university study of international association found that Finland had the largest number of sex partners in the industrialized world, and the British had the largest number of major western industrialized nations. This study measures the attitude of one night, attitudes toward free sex, and the number of sexual partners. The national survey of 2014 in the UK calls Liverpool the most crowded city.

The British position on the international index "can be attributed to increased social acceptance of promiscuity among women and men". UK rankings "are thought to come from factors such as the decrease in religious objections about extramarital sex, equal wage growth and equal rights for women and highly sexual sexual culture".

The OECD countries ranked 10th with a population of over 10 million on the study association index, in descending order, are the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Australia, the United States, France, Turkey, Mexico, and Canada.

A nonscientific survey conducted in 2007 by the Durex condom maker measured association with the total number of sexual partners. The survey found that Austrian men had the highest number of male sex partners globally with an average of 29.3 sexual partners. New Zealand women have the highest number of sex partners for women in the world with an average of 20.4 sexual partners. In all countries surveyed, except New Zealand, men reported more sexual partners than women.

One review found that people from developed Western countries have more sex partners than people from developing countries in general, while STI rates are higher in developing countries.

According to the 2005 Global Sex Survey by Durex, the average person has nine sexual partners, most in Turkey (14.5) and Australia (13.3), and at least in India (3) and China (3.1).

Intercourse man

A 1994 study in the United States, which looked at the number of sexual partners in a lifetime, found 20% of heterosexual men had only one partner, 55% had two to 20 couples, and 25% had more than 20 couples. More recent studies have reported the same number.

A 1989 study found a number of very high partners (more than 100) to attend even though rarely among homosexual men. General Social Survey data shows that the distribution of the number of partners among men who have sex exclusively with men and men who have sex exclusively with women is the same, but the differences appear in their proportion to a very high number of partners, they. gay men, but in any case formed a small minority for both groups. OkCupid found a similar pattern in data collected from a large number of users, published in 2010: the average number of self-reported live sexual partners for gay and straight men is six; However, a small minority of gay men (2%) had a disproportionate proportion of all reported self-reported gay (23%). According to the updated OkCupid data published in 2014, gay male users report themselves lower medians of lifelong sex partners than straight men: four for gay men and five for straight men. A 2007 study reported that two large population surveys found that "the majority of gay men have the same number of same sex partners each year as straight men and women."

The words' womanizer ',' playboy ',' stud ',' player ',' ladies' man ',' lady killer ', and' rake 'can be used referring to a man who has a romantic or sexual relationship, or both , with women, and who will not be monogamous. The names of real and fictitious sealing have become eponymous for promiscuous men. The most famous ones include Lord Byron, John F. Kennedy, Errol Flynn, Warren Beatty, Hugh Hefner, Wilt Chamberlain, Gene Simmons, Howard Hughes, and historical Giacomo Casanova (1725-98). Others include Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Steve McQueen. Famous historical fanciers include Don Juan, who first appeared in the 17th century, the fictitious Vicomte de Valmont of the Choderlos de Laclos novel in the 18th century Les Liaisons Dangereuses , and Lothario from Nicholas Rowe 1703 played The Just Compassion . The newer fictional characters that can be considered as women are Tony Soprano, James Bond, Chuck Bass, James T. Kirk, Tony Stark, Glenn Quagmire, Joe Quimby, Bruce Wayne, Harper Charlie, Sam Malone, Joey Tribbiani, Popeye Doyle, Donald Draper, Hank Moody, Fonzie, Barney Stinson, Team Riggins, and Drake Parker.

During the English Recovery period (1660-88), the term 'harrow' was used glamorously: Restoration restoration is a carefree, intelligent, sexually attractive aristocrat symbolized by the nobles of Charles II, Earl of Rochester and the Earl of Dorset, which combines wildlife with intellectual pursuits and art protection. The Restoration rake is celebrated in the comedy of the 1660s and 1670s Restoration. After the reign of Charles II, and especially after the Great Revolution of 1688, the shaking was perceived negatively and became a mere moralistic tale in which his peculiar fate was the prison of the debtor, permanent venereal disease, and, in William Hogarth's A Rake's Progress >, madness caused by syphilis and detention in Bedlam.

Female interaction

In 1994, a study in the United States found that almost all married heterosexual women reported having sex only with their husbands, and unmarried women almost always reported having no more than one sexual partner in the past three months. Lesbians who have long-term partners are reported to have fewer external partners than heterosexual women. More recent research, however, contradicts the assertion that most heterosexual women are monogamous. A 2002 study estimated that 45% to 55% of married heterosexual women engage in sexual intercourse outside of their marriage. While estimates for heterosexual men in the same study were larger (50-60%), data showed most married heterosexual women had or had had sexual partners other than their spouses, as well.

Since at least 1450, the word 'whore' has been used, often condescendingly, to describe a promiscuous sexual woman. In and before Elizabeth and Jacobean times, terms such as "strumpet" and "whore" were used to describe women who were seen as voting, as seen, for example, in John Webster's game of 1612 The White Devil .

Thornhill and Gangestad found that women were far more likely to fantasize sexually and attracted to extra-paired men during the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle rather than the luteal phase ( see Ovulatory shift hypothesis), while interest in the main pair does not change depending on the menstrual cycle. A 2004 study by Pillsworth, Hasselton, and Buss contradicts this, finding greater sexual attraction of couples during this phase and no increased interest in more coupled men.

Religious view

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Evolutionary psychologists propose that the conditional human tendency for promiscuity is inherited from the hunter-gatherer ancestor. Free sex increases the likelihood of having children, so fitness is "evolutionary". According to them, promiscuity of women is beneficial because it allows women to choose fathers for their children who have better genes than their spouses, to ensure better care for their offspring, have more children, and as a form of fertility insurance. Intercourse of men tends to be profitable because it allows men to father more children.

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Primitive intercourse

The primitive association (or original association ) is a nineteenth-century hypothesis stating that people originally lived in a free association or "hetaerism" before the advent of society. as we understand it. Hetaerism is the theoretical initial state of human society (as postulated by nineteenth-century anthropologists) characterized by the absence of any form of marriage and where women belong together from their tribe and where children never know who the father is they.


Other animals

Many animal species, such as bonobos and chimpanzees, are arbitrary as a rule; they do not form a couple bond. Although social monogamy occurs in about 90% of poultry species and about 3% of mammal species, it is estimated that 90% of monogamous species socially exhibit an association of individuals in the form of extra-pair copulation (copulation outside the couple's bonds).

In the animal world, some species, including birds such as geese and fish such as Neolamprologus pulcher , previously believed to be monogamous, are now known to be involved in extra-partner copulation. One example of extra-pair fertilization (EPF) in birds is the black-throat blue warblers. Although it is a socially monogamous species, both men and women are involved in the EPF.

The Darwin-Bateman paradigm, which states that men usually want to copulate while women are more voting about who to marry with, has been confirmed by meta-analysis.

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See also

  • Dress up
  • Emotion free association
  • Women's association
  • Monogamy
  • Polygamy
  • Polyandry
  • Polygynandry
  • Polyamory
  • Prostitution
  • Sexual addiction
  • Sociosexual Orientation
  • Sperm Competition
  • Swinging

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  • Chakov, Kelly Social Evolution of the Nineteenth Century
  • Fortes, Meyer (2005) Kinship Relations and Social Sequences: Lewis Henry Morgan's Legacy ISBN: 0-202-30802-2 pp.Ã, 7-8
  • Lehrman, Sally The Virtues of Promiscuity (2002)
  • Lerner, Gerda (1986) Women and History vol. 1: Creation of Patriarchy [1] ISBN 978-0-19-503996-2
  • Lerner, Gerda The Origin of Prostitution in Ancient Mesopotamia , Vol. 11, No. 2 (Winter, 1986), pp.Ã, 236-254
  • Schmitt, David P. Sociosexuality from Argentina to Zimbabwe: A 48-country study of the sex, culture, and strategy of human marriage Behavior and Brain Sciences (2005) 28, 247-311
  • Miller, Gerrit S. Jr. (1931) Basic Primates of Human Sexual Behavior Quarterly Review of Biology, Vol. 6, No. 4 (Dec., 1931), pp.Ã, 379-410
  • Westermarck, Edward [1891] (2003) The History of Human Marriage Part 1 Kessinger Publishing ISBNÃ, 0-7661-4618-9
  • Weston, Kath (1998) Fuel Burn: Sexuality and Social Sciences ISBNÃ, 0-415-92043-4
  • Woock, Randy (2002) Women of Achievement to Be Praised
  • Rinaldi, Robin, Wild Oats Project: Midlife Quest A Woman for Passion at Any Cost, Sarah Crichton Books (March 17, 2015), hardcover, 304 pages ISBN: 978-0-374- 29021-4

Source of the article : Wikipedia
