Rabu, 21 Maret 2018

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Congressional Black Caucus - Wikipedia
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This is the complete list of Congressional Member Organizations (caucuses) of the 109th United States Congress, and officers, as listed by the U.S. House Committee on House Administration. Other current caucuses, not listed with the Committee on House Administration, are included at the end.

Video Caucuses of the 109th United States Congress


  • 2015 Caucus
    • Rep. Clay Shaw (R)
    • Rep. Collin Peterson (D)
  • 21st Century Health Care Caucus
    • Rep. Tim Murphy (R)
    • Rep. Patrick J. Kennedy (D)
  • 4-H Caucus
    • Rep. Richard Pombo (R)
    • Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D)
  • 9/11 Commission Caucus
    • Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D)
    • Rep. Christopher Shays (R)

Maps Caucuses of the 109th United States Congress


  • Addiction, Treatment and Recovery Caucus
    • Rep. Jim Ramstad (R)
    • Rep. Patrick J. Kennedy (D)
  • Afterschool Caucus
    • Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R)
    • Rep. Nita Lowey (D)
  • Alzheimer's Disease Congressional Task Force
    • Rep. Edward Markey (D)
    • Rep. Christopher Smith (R)
  • Anti-Value Added Tax Caucus, The (Anti-VAT Caucus)
    • Rep. Wally Herger (R)
  • Appalachian Caucus
    • Rep. Bob Ney (R)
  • Army Corps Reform Caucus
    • Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D)

Rep. Greg Walden: Public Opinion on Health Care 'Is Complicated ...
src: cdn.eblnews.com


  • Bipartisan Disabilities Caucus
    • Rep. Jim Langevin (D)
    • Rep. Jim Ramstad (R)
    • Rep. Major Owens (D)
    • Rep. Nancy Johnson (politician) (R)
  • Bipartisan Working Group on Disaster Recovery and Response, The
    • Rep. Bob Ney (R)
    • Rep. William Lacy Clay, Jr. (D)
  • Blue Dog Coalition
    • Rep. Jim Matheson (D)
    • Rep. Jim Cooper (D)
    • Rep. Dennis Cardoza (D)
    • Rep. Mike Ross (D)
  • Building a Better America Caucus (BABC)
    • Rep. Gary Miller (R)

114th United States Congress - Wikipedia
src: upload.wikimedia.org


  • California Democratic Congressional Delegation
    • Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D)
  • Caribbean Caucus
    • Rep. Bob Ney (R)
    • Rep. Donald M. Payne (D)
  • Center aisle caucus
    • Rep. Timothy V. Johnson (R)
    • Rep. Steve Israel (D)
  • Chesapeake Bay Watershed Task Force
    • Rep. Wayne Gilchrest (R)
    • Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D)
    • Rep. Thomas M. Davis (R)
    • Rep. Robert C. Scott (D)
  • Children's Environmental Health Caucus
    • Rep. Rush D. Holt, Jr. (D)
    • Rep. Jim Saxton (R)
  • Coalition on Autism Research and Education
    • Rep. Chris Smith (New Jersey politician) (R)
    • Rep. Michael F. Doyle (D)
  • Community College Caucus
    • Rep. Brad Miller (D)
    • Rep. Michael N. Castle (R)
    • Rep. David Wu (D)
  • Community Solutions and Initiatives Caucus
    • Rep. Mark Green (R)
    • Rep. Harold Ford, Jr. (D)
  • Congressional Arts Caucus
    • Rep. Louise Slaughter (D)
    • Rep. Christopher Shays (R)
  • Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus
    • Rep. Mike Honda (D)
    • Rep. Eni Faleomavaega (D)
    • Rep. Ed Case (D)
    • Rep. Madeleine Bordallo (D)
  • Congressional Automotive Caucus
    • Rep. Dale Kildee (D)
    • Rep. Fred Upton (R)
  • Congressional Azerbaijan Caucus
    • Rep. Solomon P. Ortiz (D)
    • Rep. Curt Weldon (R)
  • Congressional Battlefield Caucus
    • Rep. Steve Israel (D)
    • Rep. Gil Gutknecht (R)
    • Rep. Bart Gordon (D)
    • Rep. Gary Miller (R)
  • Congressional Bike Caucus (CBC)
    • Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D)
  • Congressional Biotechnology Caucus
    • Rep. Bobby Rush (D)
    • Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R)
    • Rep. John Shimkus (R)
  • Congressional Bipartisan Cerebral Palsy Caucus
    • Rep. Dan Burton (R)
  • Congressional Black Caucus
    • Rep. Melvin Watt (D)
    • Rep. Corrine Brown (D)
    • Rep. Carolyn Kilpatrick (D)
    • Rep. Danny K. Davis (D)
    • Rep. Barbara Lee (D)
  • Congressional Boating Caucus
    • Rep. Clay Shaw
    • Rep. Gene Taylor
  • Congressional Border Caucus
    • Rep. Solomon Ortiz
    • Rep. Henry Bonilla
  • Congressional Brain Injury Task Force
    • Rep. Bill Pascrell
    • Rep. Todd Russell Platts


  • Congressional Brazil Caucus
    • Rep. Phil English
    • Rep. Bill Jefferson
    • Rep. Kevin Brady
    • Rep. Jim Davis
  • Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues
    • Rep. Joe Knollenberg
    • Rep. Frank Pallone
  • Congressional Caucus on Central America
    • Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
  • Congressional Caucus on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
    • Rep. Jim Ramstad
    • Rep. Frank Pallone
  • Congressional Caucus on Global Road Safety
    • Rep. Robert Wexler
    • Rep. Steve LaTourette
    • Rep. Sherrod Brown
  • Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues
    • Rep. Michael Bilirakis
    • Rep. Carolyn Maloney
  • Congressional Caucus on the Judicial Branch
    • Rep. Adam Schiff
    • Rep. Judy Biggert
  • Congressional Caucus on Sri Lanka and Sri Lankan Americans
    • Rep. Frank Pallone
    • Rep. Jerry Weller
  • Congressional Caucus on Turkey and Turkish Americans
    • Rep. Robert Wexler
    • Rep. Ed Whitfield
    • Rep. Kay Granger
  • Congressional Caucus on Uganda
    • Rep. Christopher Smith
    • Rep. Edolphus Towns
  • Congressional Caucus for Women's Issues
    • Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite
    • Rep. Hilda Solis
    • Rep. Lois Capps
    • Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
  • Congressional Caucus on Youth Sports
    • Rep. Mike McIntyre
    • Rep. John Shimkus
  • Congressional Entertainment Industries Caucus
    • Rep. Diane Watson
  • Congressional Caucus to Fight and Control Methamphetamine
    • Rep. Ken Calvert
    • Rep. Leonard Boswell
    • Rep. Chris Cannon
    • Rep. Rick Larsen
  • Congressional Children's Caucus
    • Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee
  • Congressional China Caucus
    • Rep. J. Randy Forbes
  • Congressional Climate Caucus
    • Rep. Wayne Gilchrest
    • Rep. John Olver
  • Congressional Coalition on Adoption
    • Rep. Jim Oberstar
    • Rep. Dave Camp
    • Sen. Larry Craig
    • Sen. Mary Landrieu
  • Congressional Coastal Caucus
    • Rep. Clay Shaw
    • Rep. Frank Pallone
  • Congressional Complementary and Alternative Medicine Caucus
    • Rep. Dan Burton
    • Sen. Tom Harkin
    • Rep. Dennis Kucinich
    • Rep. Orrin Hatch
  • Congressional Constitution Caucus
    • Rep. Scott Garrett
  • Congressional Correctional Officers Caucus
    • Rep. Ted Strickland
  • Congressional Croatian Caucus
    • Rep. George Radanovich
    • Rep. Pete Visclosky
  • Congressional Diabetes Caucus
    • Rep. Diana DeGette
    • Rep. Michael N. Castle
  • Congressional E-911 Caucus
    • Rep. John Shimkus
    • Rep. Anna Eshoo
  • Congressional Farmer Cooperative Caucus
    • Rep. Sam Graves
    • Rep. Earl Pomeroy
    • Sen. Larry Craig
    • Sen. Blanche Lambert Lincoln
  • Congressional Fire Services Caucus
    • Rep. Curt Weldon
    • Rep. Sherwood Boehlert
    • Rep. Steny Hoyer
    • Rep. Rob Andrews
  • Congressional Fitness Caucus
    • Rep. Zach Wamp
    • Rep. Mark Udall
  • Congressional Food Safety Caucus
    • Rep. Rosa DeLauro
    • Rep. Sherrod Brown
  • Congressional Forest Task Force
    • Rep. Bob Goodlatte
    • Rep. Collin Peterson
    • Rep. Greg Walden
    • Rep. Mike Thompson
  • Congressional Former Mayors Caucus
    • Rep. Mike Turner
    • Rep. Michael Capuano
  • Congressional Fraternal Caucus
    • Rep. Pete Sessions
    • Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones
  • Congressional French Caucus
    • Rep. Jim Oberstar
    • Rep. Tom Petri
    • Sen. Mike Crapo
    • Sen. Mary Landrieu
  • Congressional Friends of Denmark (CFD)
    • Rep. Jim Nussle
    • Rep. Steny Hoyer
    • Rep. Tom Lantos
  • Congressional Gaming Caucus
    • Rep. Jim Gibbons
    • Rep. Shelley Berkley
  • Congressional Gulf of Mexico Caucus
    • Rep. Katherine Harris
  • Congressional Hearing Health Caucus
    • Rep. James Walsh
    • Rep. Lois Capps
    • Rep. Carolyn McCarthy
    • Rep. Jim Ryun
  • Congressional Hispanic Caucus
    • Rep. Grace Napolitano
    • Rep. Joe Baca
    • Rep. Raul Grijalva
    • Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard
  • Congressional Hispanic Conference
    • Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
    • Rep. Luis Fortuno
  • Congressional HUBZone Caucus
    • Rep. Roscoe Bartlett
    • Rep. Alan Mollohan
  • Congressional Horse Caucus
    • Rep. John Sweeney
    • Rep. Ben Chandler
  • Congressional Human Rights Caucus
    • Rep. Tom Lantos
    • Rep. Frank Wolf
  • Congressional Humanities Caucus
    • Rep. James Albert Smith Leach
    • Rep. David Price
  • Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus
    • Rep. Tom Tancredo
  • Congressional Insurance Caucus
    • Rep. Dan Burton
  • Congressional Intelligent Transportation Systems Caucus
    • Rep. Mike Rogers
    • Rep. Ellen Tauscher
  • Congressional International Anti-Piracy Caucus
    • Rep. Adam Schiff
    • Rep. Bob Goodlatte
  • Congressional Internet Caucus
    • Rep. Bob Goodlatte
    • Rep. Rick Boucher
  • Congressional Iraqi Women's Caucus
    • Rep. Tom Osborne
    • Rep. Kay Granger
    • Rep. Ellen Tauscher
  • Congressional Kidney Caucus
    • Rep. Mark Steven Kirk
    • Rep. Jim McDermott
  • Congressional Labor and Working Families Caucus
    • Rep. Linda Sánchez
    • Rep. Stephen Lynch
    • Rep. Mike Michaud
  • Congressional Life Science Caucus
    • Rep. Sam Graves
  • Congressional Management Caucus
    • Rep. Todd Russell Platts
  • Congressional Manufacturing Caucus
    • Rep. Donald Manzullo
    • Rep. Tim Ryan
  • Congressional Manufacturing Task Force
    • Rep. Marty Meehan
    • Rep. Sherwood Boehlert
    • Rep. Mike Doyle
    • Rep. Steve LaTourette
  • Congressional Medical Professionals Caucus
    • Rep. Phil Gingrey
  • Congressional Mental Health Caucus
    • Rep. Grace Napolitano
    • Rep. Tim Murphy
  • Congressional Mentoring Caucus
    • Rep. Tom Osborne
    • Rep. Betty McCollum
    • Rep. Ric Keller
    • Rep. Susan Davis
  • Congressional Mine Warfare Caucus
    • Rep. Solomon Ortiz
    • Rep. Ander Crenshaw
  • Congressional Mining Caucus
    • Rep. Jim Gibbons
    • Rep. Jim Matheson
  • Congressional Missing and Exploited Children's Caucus
    • Rep. Bud Cramer
  • Congressional Morocco Caucus
    • Rep. Phil English
    • Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart
    • Rep. Steve Rothman
  • Congressional Organic Caucus
    • Rep. Ron Kind
    • Rep. Wayne Gilchrest
    • Rep. Peter DeFazio
    • Rep. Sam Farr
    • Rep. James Walsh
  • Congressional Pakistan Caucus
    • Rep. Dan Burton
    • Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee
  • Congressional Port Security Caucus
    • Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger
    • Sen. Susan Collins
    • Sen. Daniel Inouye
  • Congressional Real Estate Caucus
    • Rep. Mark Foley
    • Rep. Richard Neal
  • Congressional Rural Caucus
    • Rep. John E. Peterson
    • Rep. Allen Boyd
    • Rep. Tom Osborne
    • Rep. Lincoln Davis
  • Congressional Rural Housing Caucus
    • Rep. Ruben Hinojosa
    • Rep. Artur Davis
    • Rep. Rick Renzi
  • Congressional Scouting Caucus
    • Rep. Ike Skelton
    • Rep. W. Todd Akin
  • Congressional Savings and Ownership Caucus
    • Rep. Phil English
    • Rep. Jim Cooper
    • Rep. Chris Chocola
    • Rep. Harold Ford
  • Congressional Second Amendment Caucus
    • Rep. Marilyn Musgrave
    • Rep. Virgil Goode
  • Congressional Serbian Caucus
    • Rep. Dan Burton
    • Rep. Rahm Emanuel
  • Congressional Shipbuilding Caucus
    • Rep. Jo Ann Davis
    • Rep. Gene Taylor
  • Congressional Ski and Snowboard Caucus
    • Rep. John Sweeney
    • Rep. Mark Udall
  • Congressional Singapore Caucus
    • Rep. Solomon Ortiz
    • Rep. Curt Weldon
  • Congressional Spina Bifida Caucus
    • Rep. Christopher Smith
    • Rep. Bart Stupak
  • Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus
    • Rep. Leonard Boswell
    • Rep. Adam Putnam
  • Congressional Steel Caucus
    • Rep. Phil English
    • Rep. Pete Visclosky
  • Congressional Stop DUI Caucus
    • Rep. Shelley Berkley
    • Rep. Jon Porter
  • Congressional Submarine Caucus
    • Rep. Rob Simmons
    • Rep. Jim Langevin
  • Congressional Taiwan Caucus
    • Rep. Robert Wexler
    • Rep. Steve Chabot
    • Rep. Sherrod Brown
    • Rep. Dana Rohrabacher
  • Congressional Taskforce on International HIV/AIDS
    • Rep. Jim McDermott
  • Congressional Tourism and Travel Caucus (CTTC)
    • Rep. Mark Foley
    • Rep. Sam Farr
  • Congressional TRIO Caucus
    • Rep. Mike Simpson
    • Rep. Donald Payne
  • Congressional Ukrainian Caucus
    • Rep. Curt Weldon
    • Rep. Marcy Kaptur
    • Rep. Roscoe Bartlett
    • Rep. Sander Levin
  • Congressional United Kingdom Caucus
    • Rep. Diane Watson
    • Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
  • Congressional Victim's Rights Caucus
    • Rep. Ted Poe
    • Rep. Katherine Harris
  • Congressional Waterways Caucus
    • Rep. Mike McIntyre
    • Rep. John Doolittle
  • Congressional Western Caucus
    • Rep. Rob Bishop
    • Rep. Dean Heller
  • Congressional Wildlife Refuge Caucus
    • Rep. Ron Kind
    • Rep. Jim Saxton
    • Rep. Mike Thompson
    • Rep. Michael Castle
  • Congressional Working Group on Parkinson's Disease
    • Rep. Carolyn Maloney
    • Rep. Lane Evans
  • Congressional Zoo and Aquarium Caucus
    • Rep. Spencer Bachus
    • Rep. Julia Carson

Rep. Barbara Lee Calls Donald Trump's Tax Reform Plan 'Irrelevant ...
src: cdn.eblnews.com


  • Delaware River Basin Task Force
    • Rep. Michael Fitzpatrick
  • Democratic Israel Working Group
    • Rep. Henry Waxman
    • Rep. Gene Green
    • Rep. Alcee Hastings
    • Rep. Linda Sánchez
  • Duma - Congress Study Group
    • Rep. Curt Weldon
    • Rep. Steny Hoyer

Rep. Greg Walden on the Health-Care Marketplace | Video News | EBL ...
src: cdn.eblnews.com


  • E-waste Working Group
    • Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham
    • Rep. Mike Thompson
    • Rep. Louise Slaughter
  • Economic Competitiveness Caucus
    • Rep. Todd Tiahrt
  • Electronic Warfare (EW) Working Group
    • Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham
    • Rep. Norman Dicks
    • Rep. Mark Kirk
    • Rep. Rick Larsen
    • Rep. Joseph R. Pitts

scorecard | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty ...
src: www.unitedliberty.org


  • Financial and Economic Literacy Caucus
    • Rep. Judy Biggert
    • Rep. Ruben Hinojosa
  • Flat Tax Caucus
    • Rep. Michael Burgess
  • Friends of Norway Caucus
    • Rep. Earl Pomeroy
    • Rep. Martin Olav Sabo
    • Rep. Jim Ramstad
  • Friends of Scotland Caucus
    • Rep. Mike McIntyre
    • Rep. John Duncan
  • Friends of Switzerland Caucus
    • Rep. Tammy Baldwin
    • Rep. Rob Portman
  • Future of American Media Caucus
    • Rep. Maurice Hinchey
    • Rep. Bernard Sanders
    • Rep. Jay Inslee
    • Rep. David Price
    • Rep. Sherrod Brown

Rep. Greg Walden: Public Opinion on Health Care 'Is Complicated ...
src: cdn.eblnews.com


  • GLBT Equality Caucus
    • Rep. Tammy Baldwin, Co-Chair
    • Rep. Barney Frank, Co-Chair
  • Global AIDS Emergency Task Force
    • Rep. Mark Kirk
    • Rep. James Albert Smith Leach
    • Rep. Barbara Lee
    • Rep. Jim McDermott
    • Sen. Richard Durbin
    • Sen. Gordon Smith
  • Great Lakes Task Force
    • Rep. Vern Ehlers
    • Rep. John Dingell
    • Rep. Mark Kirk
    • Rep. James Oberstar

Congressional Black Caucus Foundation - Advancing the Global Black ...
src: www.cbcfinc.org


  • Historic Preservation Caucus
    • Rep. Brad Miller
    • Rep. Mike Turner
  • House Aerospace Caucus
    • Rep. Dave Weldon
    • Rep. Norm Dicks
  • House Agriculture Energy Users Caucus
    • Rep. Steve King
    • Rep. Earl Pomeroy
    • Rep. Sam Graves
  • House Army Caucus
    • Rep. John McHugh
    • Rep. Chet Edwards
  • House Baltic Caucus
    • Rep. John Shimkus
    • Rep. Dennis Kucinich
  • House Beef Caucus
    • Rep. Bob Beauprez
    • Rep. Dennis Cardoza
  • House Biofuels Caucus
    • Rep. Tom Osborne
    • Rep. John Shimkus
    • Rep. Lane Evans
    • Rep. Dennis Moore
  • House Military Depot and Industrial Facilities Caucus
    • Rep. Solomon Ortiz
    • Rep. Walter B. Jones
  • House Oceans Caucus
    • Rep. Tom Allen
    • Rep. Sam Farr
    • Rep. Jim Saxton
    • Rep. Curt Weldon
    • Rep. Wayne Gilchrest
    • Rep. Jay Inslee
  • House Reading Caucus
    • Rep. Anne Northup
  • House Recycling Caucus
    • Rep. Frank Pallone
    • Rep. Paul Gillmor
  • House Republican Israel Caucus
    • Rep. Tom Reynolds
    • Rep. Tom Davis
    • Rep. Eric Cantor
  • House Rural Health Care Coalition
    • Rep. Greg Walden
    • Rep. Earl Pomeroy
  • House Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education Caucus
    • Rep. Vern Ehlers
    • Rep. Mark Udall
  • House Trails Caucus
    • Rep. Earl Blumenauer
  • Hudson River Caucus
    • Rep. Nita Lowey
    • Rep. John Sweeney
  • Hungarian American Caucus (HAC)
    • Rep. Ernest Istook
    • Rep. Christopher Shays
    • Rep. Steny Hoyer
    • Rep. Tom Lantos

Rep. Greg Walden: Public Opinion on Health Care 'Is Complicated ...
src: cdn.eblnews.com


  • Indonesia Caucus
    • Rep. Dan Burton
    • Rep. Robert Wexler
  • International Conservation Caucus
    • Rep. Edward Royce
    • Rep. John S. Tanner
    • Rep. Clay Shaw
    • Rep. Tom Udall
  • International Workers Rights Caucus
    • Rep. Lane Evans
    • Rep. George Miller
  • Interstate 69 Caucus
    • Rep. Tom DeLay
    • Rep. Roger Wicker

Rep. Greg Walden: Public Opinion on Health Care 'Is Complicated ...
src: cdn.eblnews.com


African American Members of the United States Congress: 1870-2012 ...
src: images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com


  • Kenya Caucus
    • Rep. Gregory Meeks
    • Rep. Tom Tancredo

Rep. Barbara Lee Calls Donald Trump's Tax Reform Plan 'Irrelevant ...
src: cdn.eblnews.com


  • Law Enforcement Caucus
    • Rep. Bart Stupak
    • Rep. Jim Ramstad

Bill de Blasio on Twitter:
src: pbs.twimg.com


  • Malaysia Trade, Security and Economic Cooperation Caucus
    • Rep. Pete Sessions
    • Rep. Gregory Meeks
  • Medical and Dental Doctors in Congress Caucus (MDC)
    • Rep. Phil Gingrey
    • Rep. Vic Snyder
  • Medical Malpractice Crisis Task Force
    • Rep. Allen Boyd
    • Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite
  • Medical Technology Caucus
    • Rep. Jim Ramstad
    • Rep. Anna Eshoo
  • Metro Congestion Coalition
    • Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson
  • Military Veterans Caucus
    • Rep. Michael Bilirakis
    • Rep. Charlie Norwood
    • Rep. Collin Peterson
    • Rep. Mike Thompson
  • Modeling & Simulation Training Caucus
    • Rep. Randy Forbes
  • Mongolia Caucus
    • Rep. Joe Pitts
    • Rep. Joe Wilson

Rep. Greg Walden on the Health-Care Marketplace | Video News | EBL ...
src: cdn.eblnews.com


  • National Guard and Reserve Components Caucus
    • Rep. Steve Buyer
    • Rep. Gene Taylor
  • National Landscape Conservation System Caucus
    • Rep. Mary Bono
    • Rep. Raul Grijalva
    • Rep. Rick Renzi
    • Rep. James Moran
  • National Service Congressional Caucus
    • Rep. Christopher Shays
    • Rep. David Price
    • Rep. Tom Osborne
    • Rep. Harold Ford
  • Navy-Marine Corps Caucus
    • Rep. Susan Davis
    • Rep. Randy Forbes
  • New Democrat Coalition
    • Rep. Ellen Tauscher
    • Rep. Ron Kind
    • Rep. Artur Davis
  • North America's Supercorridor Caucus
    • Rep. Sam Graves
    • Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson
  • Northeast-Midwest Congressional Coalition
    • Rep. Steve LaTourette
    • Rep. Marty Meehan
  • Northern Border Caucus
    • Rep. Bart Stupak
    • Rep. John Sweeney
  • Nuclear Issues Caucus
    • Rep. Joe Knollenberg
    • Rep. John Spratt


  • Open Space Caucus
    • Rep. Michael Fitzpatrick
  • Oral Health Caucus
    • Rep. John Linder
    • Rep. Charlie Norwood
    • Rep. Mike Simpson


  • Passenger Rail Caucus
    • Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick
    • Rep. Earl Blumenauer
    • Rep. Rob Andrews
  • Patriot Act Reform Caucus
    • Rep. Jeff Flake
    • Rep. Bernie Sanders
    • Rep. Ron Paul
    • Rep. Jerrold Nadler
  • Pell Grant Caucus, The
    • Rep. Ric Keller
  • Physics Caucus, The
    • Rep. Vernon Ehlers
    • Rep. Rush D. Holt, Jr.
  • Public Broadcasting Caucus
    • Rep. Earl Blumenauer
    • Rep. Paul Gillmor


  • Qatari-American Economic Strategic Defense, Cultural, and Educational Partnership Caucus
    • Rep. Nick Rahall
    • Rep. Carolyn Maloney
    • Rep. Dana Rohrabacher
    • Sen. John E. Sununu


  • Recording Arts and Sciences Congressional Caucus (RASCC)
    • Rep. Mary Bono
    • Rep. Steny Hoyer
  • Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucus
    • Rep. Mark Udall
    • Rep. Zach Wamp
  • Republican Study Committee
    • Rep. Mike Pence
    • Rep. Sue Myrick
    • Rep. John Shadegg
    • Rep. Dan Burton
    • Rep. John Doolittle
    • Rep. Ernest Istook
    • Rep. Sam Johnson
  • Research and Development Caucus
    • Rep. Judy Biggert
    • Rep. Rush D. Holt, Jr.
  • River of Trade Corridor Congressional Caucus
    • Rep. Ralph Hall


  • Sex and Violence in the Media Caucus
    • Rep. Joe Baca
    • Rep. Tom Osborne
  • Saudi Arabia Study Group, The
    • Rep. Bob Ney
    • Rep. Nick Rahall
  • Sexual Assault Violence Elimination (SAVE) Taskforce
    • Rep. Paul Gillmor
    • Rep. Earl Pomeroy
  • Shellfish Caucus
    • Rep. John Larson
    • Rep. Thelma Drake
    • Rep. Bobby Jindal
    • Rep. Henry Brown
    • Rep. Brian Baird
    • Rep. Mike Thompson
  • Silk Road Caucus
    • Rep. Joseph R. Pitts
    • Rep. Gary Ackerman
    • Sen. Sam Brownback
    • Rep. Mary Landrieu
  • Special Operations Forces Caucus
    • Rep. Jeff Miller
    • Rep. Mike McIntyre
    • Rep. Jim Davis
    • Rep. Robin Hayes
  • State Maritime Academy Caucus
    • Rep. Dave Camp
    • Rep. William Delahunt
  • Sudan Caucus
    • Rep. Tom Tancredo
    • Rep. Donald Payne
    • Rep. Frank Wolf
    • Rep. Michael Capuano


  • Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare
    • Rep. Eric Cantor
  • TEX-21 Congressional Caucus
    • Rep. Randy Neugebauer
    • Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson
    • Rep. John Culberson
    • Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison


  • Unexploded Ordnance Caucus
    • Rep. Earl Blumenauer
  • Upper Mississippi River Basin Task Force
    • Rep. Jerry Costello
    • Rep. Gil Gutknecht
    • Rep. Ron Kind
    • Rep. James Albert Smith Leach
  • U.S.-Afghan Caucus
    • Rep. Bob Ney
    • Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee
  • U.S.-China Working Group
    • Rep. Mark Steven Kirk
    • Rep. Rick Larsen
  • U.S.-Mongolia Friendship Caucus
    • Rep. Joe Wilson
    • Rep. Joseph R. Pitts
  • U.S.-New Zealand Congressional Caucus
    • Rep. Jim Kolbe
    • Rep. Ellen Tauscher





  • Victory in Iraq Caucus
    • Rep. Joe Wilson
  • Youth Challenge Caucus
    • Rep. Richard Baker


  • Zero Capital Gains Tax Caucus
    • Rep. David Dreier
    • Sen. Richard Shelby

Source: Committee on House Administration

Other caucuses

Some caucuses are not listed with the Committee on House Administration.

  • Congressional Progressive Caucus
    • Barbara Lee, Co-Chair
    • Lynn Woolsey, Co-Chair

Source of the article : Wikipedia
